Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Press Should Boycott White House Press Conferences if......

I started this post two days ago, and then yesterday heard an article on NPR that trump was moving the press conferences to a larger venue outside of the White House.  The reason given was the move will enable a larger pool of reporters to attend.  reince priebus, trump's chief of staff, told ABC's George Stephanopoulos:

“We had like 500 or 600 folks at the press conference last week so we started thinking, 'Man alive, if we can have more people involved than less people involved, that would be a good thing' -- that's what this is about, George"
This guy, priebus, has got to be kidding.  How many of those 500 to 600 people were legitimate press?  How many were from rags like breitbart?  How many were staff and supporters who cheered trump, jeered reporters that they did not like and in general set a tone of disrespect for the eyes and ears of the public?

Furthermore,when asked if reporters would continue to work in the White House, he replied, "That hasn't been determined,"

In response to these statements by priebus, White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) President, Jeff Mason, released a statement that concluded:

"The briefing room is open now to all reporters who request access. We support that and always will. The WHCA will fight to keep the briefing room and West Wing access to senior administration officials open. We object strenuously to any move that would shield the president and his advisers from the scrutiny of an on-site White House press corps," 

OK, just another step in what continues to look like Germany in the 1930s or government in the former USSR. trump obviously does not want the press to be our eyes and ears when it comes to his administration of our country's laws. I also believe that trump will follow the same template that he used in his 'press conference' on January 19th.  He will bring his staff and some supporters into the room to, as noted above, cheer & jeer. 

In order to make it crystal clear that this is not and will not be acceptable, some drastic out of the box actions need to be taken.  If the press corps is no longer allowed in the West Wing of The White House then the legitimate press needs to boycott press conferences until they are given access to the West Wing.  If the press maintains its access to the West Wing, then reporters need to wait for the first press conference with trump as the administrator.  If the template remains as it was for the January 19th press conference, then again, I believe the press should boycott trump's press conferences until protocol returns to the norm.

trump will attempt to bait the press by calling them names, by tweeting.  I suggest that the press turn a blind ear & eye to this crap.  The press can still 'cover' press conferences just as well as if they were in the room.  trump is not going to call on legitimate reporters and if he does, he is going to deride and insult them and they will be shouted down by his staff and supporters.  This will be unacceptable. Press conferences are a good time to ask questions, but in today's world I believe that information can be ascertained without press conferences.  The White House Press Corps, boycotting press conferences, will send an extremely loud message to the administration, Congress, the American people and the world.  America is the beacon of freedom on this planet.  We will not allow trump to make a mockery of our country, our constitution or us.  We will not allow trump to dishonor every person that has fought for our freedom and the freedom of others around the world, throughout our history.

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