Friday, January 6, 2017

ivanka and bannon

Everything I hear about ivanka trump, paints her as this wonderful person.  she's just so wonderful, and smart too.  she's going to be a great adviser for her father.  Also, she has a handsome, young, bright, husband.  Before I put out the next piece of information about these two people, I am going to reveal something about myself.  Brace yourself; I'm Jewish.  Who cares?  Well due to current circumstances, I do.  

I am not a practicing Jew, but when you're born a Jew, you're a Jew.  That's that.  I've been circumcised and Bar Mitzvahed.  I went to Hebrew school every Monday and Wednesday after public school and every Sunday morning for years.  I went to synagogue with my mother almost every Saturday morning for much of  my early adolescence.  Now that my secret is out, I need to let you know that I have something in common with ivanka's husband, he's Jewish.  But wait, wait for it ........... ivanka is a Jew also.  Whoaaaaaa!  Does this mean that trump himself is Jewish?  Of course not.  he's as German - American as the Pope is Catholic.

ivanka loves her husband sooooooo much, that she converted to Judaism.  Now that's love.  As Jews know, a person has to know almost as much as a Rabbi in order to be accepted into the religion and then of course there's the humiliating ritual bath, performed in the presence of a Rabbi called the Mikva.  My guess is, she bought her way in.

So, Bill, what's this all about?  Well, it's about steve bannon, the future 'chief white house strategist, that's what.  As I have put forward before, bannon is a self described leninist.  But let's forget about that for right now, and focus on what amazes me.  bannon is vocally and loudly supported by the kkk and the american nazi party.  Now first of all (he said tongue in cheek), aren't ivanka and her husband worried about a cross being burned on their lawn when they move to D.C.?  Don't they worry about nazi bikers attacking them?  I mean come on, they're Jews.

Seriously though; how do these two people reconcile themselves with d. trump's choice of bringing bannon into the White House and in about as high a position as there will be.  This guy is going to be 'whispering' in trump's ear.  If ivanka is such a wonderful and kind and smart person, and a Jew, then how can she be a part of this.  If she is such a valued 'adviser' to trump, then why hasn't she put her foot down with her father and told him that bannon is simply not ok.  I mean ....... come on, she's a Jew.  Her husband is a Jew.  The kkk and nazis have committed the most horrific violence against Jews (as well as any one else that isn't of Arian descent) imaginable.  In fact, if these two people stopped and visualized in their minds what the kkk and nazis have done they would fall down weeping.  They would get physically sick.  How in the world can she allow bannon's employment  with her father's administration to stand.  she supposedly has influence with her father.  she should use it, unless, of course, she agrees with her father's choice.

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