Thursday, January 26, 2017

Intellectual Elite

There has been a lot of talk about the 'intellectual elite' and how trump's election, in part, was a result of a populist distaste for the intellectual elite.  I've been chewing on this for months.  I have to admit that this type of 'thinking' has me pretty darn angry.

Last night while taking my walk, it became clear to me how I wanted to approach this subject.  I decided a good starting point would be some definitions.  I always use the  Merriam Webster Dictionary.  I looked up three words and they are listed below:

- Definition of intellect

1a : the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledgeb : the capacity for rational or intelligent thought especially when highly developed

2: a person with great intellectual powers

- Definition of intellectual

1a : of or relating to the intellect or its useb : developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience : rationalc : requiring use of the intellect <intellectual games>

2a : given to study, reflection, and speculationb : engaged in activity requiring the creative use of the intellect <intellectual playwrights>

- Definition of elite

1a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : cream <the elite of the entertainment world>b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class <superachievers who dominate the computer elite — Marilyn Chase>c singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society <how the French-speaking elite … was changing — Economist>d : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence <members of the ruling elite>e : a member of such an elite —usually used in plural <the elites … , pursuing their studies in Europe — Robert Wernick>

Now let's compress these definitions into one easily digestible phrase; the best of the smart.  I believe we can all agree on this. 
Who are some people that are or have been, in our country, that we can place in this category?  The framers and signatories of the Constitution?  Thomas Jefferson certainly had a great intellect.  George Washington?  Abraham Lincoln?  Our major Universities certainly are loaded with the 'best smart people' and they drive progress in all areas of our culture.  The technicians that work at NASA.  The doctors that we depend on for our health concerns.  Bill Gates is one and so was Steve Jobs.  The list could easily be made longer, but my point is made.
These people who do not like the 'intellectual elite' should stop buying technologically advanced cars with all  the bells and whistles.  Every one of them should throw away there 'smart phones'.  They should stop following trump's every tweet.  And most of all, when they get sick, they should forget about going to the doctor.  Again, I think my point is made.  All of these goods and services that I have mentioned are the direct result of the 'intellectual elite'.  Our country is the result of the 'intellectual elite'.  If these people are sincere about not liking the 'intellectual elite', then those in the intellectual elite should stop doing things for these people.  They cannot have their cake and eat it too; it's one or the other.
Enuf (lol) said?  Enough said!

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