Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Boycott as a Form of Protest

Yesterday, I wrote about a specific form of boycotting that may need to be carried out by a specific group of people.  Today, I'm going to broaden that discussion.

A friend suggested to me yesterday that a strong statement could be made by not watching the inauguration ceremonies on television or any other devices. His point and goal is to have the ratings be the lowest ever for a broadcasted inauguration. What a great idea. Not only will this make a strong point to our country, but it would really drive trump crazy. He lives off of that kind of stuff. Consider his tweet to Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for....

being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary

Next, on a more serious note (although i am serious about not watching or listening to the inauguration on any broadacst medium, you can always read his speech), I want to call on Democrats in Congress to boycott votes that are obviously related to immoral legislation. Boycott any vote that would serve to dismantle our government. Boycott any vote that would compromise our constitution. If voting along party lines were to occur (which it obviously will) then the republicans will push through whatever they want. Let the consequences of their unacceptable legislation be clearly recognizable as their responsibility.  This is not to say that Democrats should not work in a cooperative way to fashion bills that will be acceptable, but when they are pushed to the side by the republicans in Congress, I believe they should boycott the vote.  Physically walk out.

Lastly, how can we boycott, in order to send a message?  I have heard discussions on National Public Radio (NPR) about boycotting businesses that support trump or any member of his family.  Any business that supported his campaign, who have Board members that support trump.  I looked on line to see if there were any data bases that are being built, with this end in mind.  I found the following link to what I thought was an excellent data base:

For the most part, I will have no difficulties in boycotting the businesses listed, with one exception.  WalMart is listed, because they sell ivanka trump's products.  Now, I don't buy any of her products, but I do buy one prescription at WalMart in order to drive the price down to a $15 co-pay.  Due to the disgusting health insurer, Aetna, if I bought this prescription anywhere else, I would need to pay $80 per month in co-pay fees.  So, I must be up front and admit that I cannot completely boycott WalMart and I suspect that most people in our country depend on WalMart to a certain extent for needs (not wants).  

I do have an idea about how to effectively send a message to WalMart, but it would require an extremely well coordinated effort either statewide or nationwide.  Statewide would probably be easier to coordinate.  Designate a date, each month, and advertise it in any and all ways possible that no purchases be made at any WalMart on that date.  Obviously Walmart will still do business on those dates, but the goal is to significantly cut into their revenues for that date.  

In conjunction with these boycotts it would be helpful to write to these companies and tell them why you are boycotting.  The data base I've refereed to has email addresses, peoples names and phone numbers. 


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