Monday, February 20, 2017

What do Sweden, Bowling Green Kentucky and Atlanta Have in Common

........... none have had a recent terrorist attack?!?!!

During a speech at a campaign style rally on Saturday, 2/18, in Florida, trump was at it again.  Whooping up fear in order to justify his attempt at a travel and refugee ban.  He clearly said, "look at what’s happening last night in Sweden.”   Ok........I'm looking.  Lots of other people are looking.  heck, the Swedish people in Sweden are looking.  Anything going on?

The Swedish tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet listed in English some events that  happened Friday in Sweden, including police chasing a drunken driver and a Swedish singer having technical problems during rehearsals for a singing competition.  Whewwww!  Wow!!!!!!!  That's "what [was] happening [Friday] night in Sweden"

Now look, you and I and everyone else reading this post as well as millions of people around our planet know what trump's implication was.  We also know that because he didn't directly and explicitly say there was a terrorist attack in Sweden on Friday night that he will not admit that that is what he meant. 

I started writing this post on Sunday afternoon and now I'm continuing on Monday morning.  Big developments overnight!!!!!!!  trump (goebbels-bannon) came up with an excuse.  It took them approximately 24 hours to come up with it, but they sculpted the horse crap into ........ something.  Late Sunday afternoon, trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump

My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.
4:57 PM - 19 Feb 2017

Here's the first clue that someone other than trump wrote this tweet.  trump lacks the ability to insert an explanatory phrase inside of a sentence, re: "as to what's happening in Sweden", although he did fail to place a coma at both ends of the inserted phrase.  One should also note that this is a slow response time which definitely points to a story being fabricated.  Yesterday I noted that it took puppet-spicer eight minutes to respond via twitter to a tweet from a journalist at the New York Times.

Major Garrett

News: Am told by two people familiar with the matter that Navy Secretary nominee Philip Bilden is likely to withdraw - cld b this weekend.
11:40 AM - 18 Feb 2017

Sean Spicer

Those people would be wrong. Just spoke with him and he is 100% commited to being the next SECNAV pending Senate confirm. …
11:48 AM - 18 Feb 2017

I'm getting to a place where I really want to use particular 'explatives', but I'm 'deleting' them from my posts as much as possible while still staying true to myself.  What a bunch of horse s#@t!!!!!  he said what he meant and he meant what he said.  The question becomes is he really that stupid or is he intentionally attempting to create chaos.  It really doesn't matter which one it is, either one is not the mark of a leader, rather it is the mark of d.j[ackass].
The fox news article trump referred to reported that “Sweden had its first terrorist Islamic attack not that long ago, so they’re now getting a taste of what we’ve been seeing across Europe already,”

The last time Sweden had a terrorist act was in 2010.  It was carried out by an Iraqi-born Swedish citizen in Stockholm.  This occurred  a year before civil wars began in Syria and Libya and before millions from the  Middle East fled from the region.  A  report in The Guardian, a well respected British news publication, noted that "[c]rime rates in Sweden have changed little over the last 10 years, according to the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey."
While reading this article in The Guardian I noted that the Swedish foreign ministry is looking for answers:

" “We have asked the question today to the state department. We are trying to get clarity,” said the Swedish foreign ministry spokeswoman Catarina Axelsson."

Further consternation with trump's administration is coming directly from Sweden's Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom.  She tweeted, after the incident, that  "Oxford Dictionaries appointed ' post truth ' to this year's words in 2016."

She also tweeted an excerpt of a speech she gave in parliament last week.

“Both functioning democracy and constructive cooperation between states require us to speak with, and not about, each other, to honour agreements and to allow ideas to compete.  They also require us to respect science, facts and the media, and to acknowledge each other’s wisdom.”
Carl Bildt, a former Prime Minister for Sweden tweeted:

Carl BildtVerified account‏@carlbildt

Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.

It's been four weeks and this is the third allusion to a non-existent terrorist attack  Earlier this month  puppet-spicer repeatedly alluded to an attack in Atlanta by an overseas terrorist.  After making the assertion three times in a week.   he 'corrected' himself, by saying he meant the shooting in Orlando this past summer at a gay nightclub.  The last time there was a terrorist attack in Atlanta was 21 years ago, during the Olympics.  That bombing was carried out by Eric Robert a radical right wing terrorist from Florida.

Of course we are all aware of gobbels-conway's infamous reference to the "Bowling Green Masecre".  And now trumpy-boy wanted to have some fun too.

Well, as I've said to many friends, this is all good comedy until something bad happens.  So let's enjoy the laughs while we can.  Oh..... By the way, speaking of comedy.........

MT @DougallChops: BREAKING NEWS. Swedish police released picture of man sought for terror attack 

9:13 AM - 19 Feb 2017

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