Monday, February 6, 2017

bannon = Geppeto (or, The Buck Doesn't Stop Anywhere)

OK.  We all know it, but now the 'proof'? is coming out?  (please pardon my poetic license).  steve geppeto-goebbels-bannon is calling the shots in the White House.  Articles are now popping up on the net that dinocchio trump was not aware that the executive order he signed placed bannon on the NSC.  Horse dung!! (I'm trying, trying to keep it clean).

The first article I saw was from, of all sources, fox news (whom I have absolutely no faith in, which of course immediately has me thinking).  The fox article begins by noting that "[p]resident [t]rump was reportedly not fully briefed on the executive order he signed that allowed his chief strategist [s]teve [b]annon a seat at the meetings of the country’s top national security efforts."   The article goes on to report that "[t]rump was frustrated over the executive order and reportedly demanded to be looped in on the executive orders earlier in the drafting process. "  

Even more surprising, the article very quickly references a New York Times article.  The reference is almost as though some sort of excuse is being set up.  It reads, "The New York Times reported Sunday that Bannon has been telling allies that he and the White House policy director, Stephen Miller, have a window to push through their vision of Trump’s economic policies."  What in hell do "trump's economic policies" have to do with bannon gaining a seat on the NSC?

This fox news article was the first result for my query 'trump on bannon on nsc'  There are other articles, but I decided that I'd use a news source that trump likes.  That way it can't be labeled 'fake news'.  Ohhhhhhhh!!!!  I get it.  I, of course, have no proof therefore this boarders on conspiracy theory, but here's what it looks like to me.  bannon sees the level of push back and understands it is not supportive.  bannon didn't expect this level of push back.  bannon feeds this crap to the media (I haven't seen any quotes from trump, just reports that he was "frustrated".  In an incompetent attempt to protect himself and to protect trump banon came up with this scheme.  

Now if I'm right, then what I'm proposing, simply put, is a cover up.  But, if we're to take this report at its word, then trump is no better than his cronie  chris christie who pleaded ignorance regarding the George Washington Bridge closure debacle.  Either way it is a demonstration of trump's unfitness to govern, in fact his inability.

I believe that what is going on here is that this story, being put out, is an attempt to have trump show frustration to the public which will excuse him in the public eye.  That is where it will end.  bannon will not be removed from the NSC, unless further push back from the public is received.  If bannon is removed it will never be credited to public uproar, but rather to trump doing the 'right thing'.  The 'right thing' to do, if this story is true, would have been for everyone in the White House to shut their mouths, for trump to have reprimanded bannon, for bannon to have been removed from the NSC and for trump to stand up and admit a mistake.  

Harry Truman is of course famous for the sign on his desk in the Oval Office that read, "The Buck Stops Here".  I'm thinking of having a desk sign made that reads "The Buck Doesn't Stop Anywhere"  and sending it to trump.  I'll keep you updated.

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