Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Not Flying Like an Eagle

I've obviously telegraphed the subject of today's post; steve miller.  I've been vaguely aware of this guy since before inauguration day, but frankly that's where it stopped.  As I've noted before, there has been so many issues to watch that I can't watch everything.  I let this guy slip under my radar.  Well, no more.  miller burst onto 'the scene' this weekend on the talking head shows.

This guy is belligerent.  In fact, I looked up the word 'belligerant' and found the following:

Now, first of all, this guy looks like a demented Paul Reubens (of Pee Wee Herman fame).  Paul, I'm sorry to insult you.  You can probably catch miller in a movie theater in Sarasota, FL, doing naughty things to himself while watching a goebbels-bannon movie.  This guy looks more tightly wound then an over wound coo coo clock.  I mean take a look at the handkerchief in his suit jacket.  I betcha that if somebody took the stick out of his ass, he'd collapse on the floor, for lack of a spine.  I'll change his name to nazi-boy-miller.

But seriously folks, who and what is this guy?  I googled him and found a Wikipedia article.  Here is an  excerpt from that posting:

"[m]iller grew up in a liberal-leaning Jewish family in Santa Monica, California.[1] Though his parents were Democrats, [m]iller became a conservative after reading Guns, Crime, and Freedom, a book by [n]ational [r]ifle [a]ssociation CEO [w]ayne [l]a[p]ierre.[2] While attending Santa Monica High School, [m]iller began appearing on conservative talk radio.[2] In 2002, at the age of sixteen, [m]iller wrote a letter to the editor of The Santa Monica Evening Outlook, criticizing [what he perceived as] his school's pacifist response to 9/11"

Some more information from this post is that nazi-boy is listed as senior adviser to the president.  he was born in 1985 and is currently 31 years of age.  he has a BA from Duke University (in what, who knows?).

Upon reading this information about nazi-boy, the first thing that struck me was that a human brain finishes its development around 25 years after birth, and this guy is 31 years old.  He's a relative child and he's still speaking like one.  Here's some examples.  On this past Sunday's Face The Nation, nazi-boy said:

“The media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

Responses to this ridiculous statement included the following:

“The only way that statement could be more terrifying is if he yelled it in German.” — SETH MEYERS

“What’s up with ‘will not be questioned’? What does that mean? It’s less like an argument and more like a line from ‘50 Shades Darker.’ ‘I will not be questioned!’ [makes whip-cracking sound]” — TREVOR NOAH

“‘Will not be questioned’? Let me test that theory: What the fuck are you talking about?” — STEPHEN COLBERT

While being interviewed by George Stephanopoulus on ABC, nazi-boy was defending trump's claim last week that thousands of voters were bused into New Hampshire to illegally cast ballots in the presidential election. After a heated back and forth, nazi-boy said that he would go on “any show, anywhere, anytime, and repeat it, and say the president of the United States is correct, 100 percent.”

To which Steven Colbert replied:  

"Any show, anywhere, anytime? How about the 'Late Show,' tomorrow, at the Ed Sullivan Theater?  And, listen, if you don't show up, I'm going to call you a liar. And if you do show up, I'm going to call you a liar to your face."

Now the question is why?  Why did trump (really goebbels-bannon) march nazi-boy's little butt onto all the Sunday talk shows this past weekend?  I don't know, but I've got some educated guesses.  First of all, its been made clear that trump is looking for some one to take over the position of communications director (CD) from puppet-spicer .  So trump way have wanted to watch nazi-boy's performance.  trump (oooops again I mean goebbels-bannon) may be considering nazi-boy for the CD position.  

Another possibility comes to mind due to a rumor that I heard.  Now mind you, this is a completely unsubstantiated rumor.  It is not fake news.  It is not an "alternate fact".  Oh ...... speaking of alternate facts....... rumor has it that trump removed goebbels-conway from his twitter friends list.  Hmmmmmmm.  Maybe nazi-boy is being 'interviewed' for her position.......whatever that position is.

Look ladies and gentlemen, now that I am aware of nazi-boy's stench, I can smell it all the way up here in Pennsylvania.  I'm here to tell you it's a really foul scent, it smells really, really bad.  Horse crap smells like perfume next to this guy.

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