Sunday, February 12, 2017

Discord at the White House

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.......

Deception has its consequences for the deceiver.  This is a lesson that almost everyone learns when they are young.  My father drove into my head that I shouldn't lie.  I'm not perfect and no human is perfect.  We all lie to some degree, but it's a question of degrees.  trump has it turned up to a million degrees (Fahrenheit or really doesn't matter).  Three weeks into this new administration, the lug nuts seem to be loosening (please pardon my mixing of metaphors).

- trump unhappy about signing executive order placing goebbels-bannon on the NSC
- puppet spicer unable to speak coherently and is easily flustered
- goebbels-conway coins the phrase "aletrnative facts"
- goebbels-conway commits definite ethics breach by using the power of the White House to "advertise" ivanka's clothing line
- trump tweets about Nordstrom, but not about killings in  Quebec Mosque
- trump's travel and refugee ban stopped and being forced into Supreme Court
   - reports have surfaced noting that trump may not appeal to The Supreme Court.  So much for his impotent tweet "see you in The Supreme Court"
- trump disrespected by Japan's Prime Minister Abe
   - calls him "Donald" many times in prepared statement during joint news conference
   - clearly notes that trump is a "great business man", but has "no experience in government" from same prepared statement

And now .......... d. j.[ackass] is not happy with puppet-spicer's performance as communications director.  spicer currently holds two positions, press secretary and communications director.  This is not the norm.  These two positions are typically performed by two separate individuals.  Hmmmmmm, wonder why? More to the point is why was spicer appointed to both positions? For that answer we'll need to 'speak' with chief of staff, reince priebus.  Turns out trump is ticked off at priebus as well.  So let me see if I've got this right, trump has been or is angry at goebbels-bannon, goebbels-conway, puppet-spicer and priebus and the administration is three weeks old.

There are reports from many news outlets spanning the spectrum from liberal to conservative that are all reporting the same thing.  trump is looking to replace spicer as communications director.  The assumption is that he will  still be the press secretary.  Here are two examples, from, opposite ends of the news outlet continuum:

- CNN -

According to the source close to the hiring process, Trump is upset with [p]riebus over the selection of [s]picer

"[p]riebus vouched for [s]picer and against [t]rump's instincts," the source said.

A separate West Wing source pushed back on the notion that [s]picer is suddenly unpopular with [t]rump, saying "nothing could be further from the truth."

- A FOX news local affiliate -

“[p]riebus vouched for [s]picer and against Trump’s instincts,” the source said.

The President “regrets it every day and blames [p]riebus,” the source added.

But a senior administration official says [p]resident [t]rump supports [s]picer “100%.”

Wow!  A master business man and he starts off his attempt to administer our country by not being able to administer his own 'mouth' or his staff.  All of this is due to the fact that trump is a liar, a conniver (note that the root of this word is 'con'), a schemer.  I somehow believe that trump was not taught the basic lesson of 'don't lie'.  It may have been said to him, but I doubt he ever received one iota of a consequence when he did.  Of course not receiving consequences acts as a reinforcer of behavior.  The behavior is committed, the person gets what they want and there are no adverse consequences.  Hell, I'd be a big liar too if I was never disciplined  when I lied as a child.

Now the consequences are coming, fast and furious.  These consequences are the natural order of human interaction, and trump has finally run into something he can't control (besides his mouth).  he can't control the collective response of a nation that is built on decency and morality.  he can't control the laws that are in place to prevent his level of deceit.  he can't control the decent and moral judges that sit on our federal courts.  he can't control those whose job it is to look for ethics violations.  he can't control what leaders of other countries say about him or to him.  he's discovering pretty damn quickly that he can't control a whole lot of things.  Discovery does not equal learning.  I doubt that trump has the capacity to learn about social discourse, which has a great deal to do with politics.  The wheels will fall off, the question is how soon.

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