Sunday, February 19, 2017

Tweeting is for the Birds

I have to, for the third consecutive day, point out that twitter is not a responsible way to communicate about important information.  The subject of this post revolves around two twitter posts and as such I don't value anything either party is trying to communicate.
Major Garrett of CBS news tweeted the following at 11:40am  yesterday morning:

Major Garrett

News: Am told by two people familiar with the matter that Navy Secretary nominee Philip Bilden is likely to withdraw - cld b this weekend.
11:40 AM - 18 Feb 2017

I have not been able to find another report from another news source to this effect.  The other 2 or 3 results to my search refer back to the CBS News official post which in essence repeats Garrett's tweet.
Eight minutes later, eight minutes mind you,  puppet spicer tweeted back:

Sean Spicer

Those people would be wrong. Just spoke with him and he is 100% commited to being the next SECNAV pending Senate confirm. …
11:48 AM - 18 Feb 2017

I understand why Garrett tweeted.  It's his job to get "the scoop" on his competitors.  After all 'news' is a business.  I also suspect that he may have wanted to manipulate puppet-spicer, to piss him off.  Seems like he did that as well.  I'm all for manipulating and pissing off any part of the goebbels-bannon already dysfunctional propaganda apparatus.  I mean, jeepers, does puppet boy take his cell phone to the bathroom?  But, I still am not convinced that tweeting can be considered a reliable way to disseminate news.  News is all about being trustworthy, having done the leg work and demonstrating that in the writing or telling of the news.  I do however support throwing monkey wrenches into puppet boy's path.
The administration's use of twitter is another story.  I am not naive (well just a little bit maybe), but the way trump and his multiple jackasses are using twitter is one of the most cynical forms of propaganda I have been privy to.  For those of us that are thoughtful and discriminating about the information we give credence to, this form of propaganda doesn't work.   Those that are not able to or don't want to examine what is fed to them are being used by goebbels-bannon.  trump led the way, starting years ago, and only because he has limited mental capabilities.  goebbels-bannon has seen those that swallow these bird droppings and sees the value for his purpose.  Keep the ignorant masses well fed with toxic bird shit and keep the country divided.  This is not some crusade for white power, goebbels-bannon is simply using that faction to obtain and maintain a position of power simply for the sake of having power.
While putting together and researching this post, it occurred to me to look at Twitter's stock performance.  After all, the most reliable indication of how people feel about any given product is money.  People, ultimately, vote with their dollars.  So, take a look at the graph below for Twitter's stock performance over
the past year. See the spike? It's right before the election. It has been on a steady decline since, even while the market has been very bullish.

Twitter Inc
NYSE: TWTR - Feb 17, 7:59 PM EST

  1. 1 day
  2. 5 day
  3. 1 month
  4. 3 month
  5. 1 year
  6. 5 year
  7. max
Mar 2016May 2016Jul 2016Sep 2016Nov 2016Jan 201725201510

One last thing.  Twitter is a business.  They want people to use twitter because then the business will make money.  Twitter is not going to discourage using there product.  A wonderful thing and at the same time a frightening thing  about our country is products can be placed on the market and depending on the consumer of that product, it can be put to good use or bad use.  Unfortunately, twitter is being used in a way by trump and goebbels-bannon that takes advantage of the limited brain power of a segment of our society and this usage maintains the wedge that exists between to major segments of America.

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