Saturday, February 11, 2017

Naughty girl !! Naughty!!!!!!

Author's note - Please forgive me for not getting this post finished on Friday, February 10th.  Please read this post as if it is yesterday.

Today is three weeks.  Before we even got to three weeks, kellyanne goebbels-conway was  "counseled".  Imagine, the white house counselor, counseled.  Not quite sure what that means, but one can only imagine.

As you most likely know (or maybe not), goebbels-conway was going off on a tirade about Nordstrom Department Stores dropping ivanka trump's clothing line while on the fox channel show fox and friends.  goebbels-conway said, “This is just [a] wonderful line, [i] own some of it. I fully—[i]’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”  She continued by saying, "Go buy ivanka's stuff.  [i] hate shopping, but i'm going to go get some on myself today"

This is obviously an ethics violation and the phones rang right off the wall at The Office of Government Ethics (OGE), the government's ethics watchdog.

This morning, sean puppet-spicer made a curt reference to goebbels-conway's 'faux pas' by reporting that she has been "counselled".  That was it.  Nothing else.  She has been counselled.  Upon watching the video of puppet-spicer saying this, it is clear to me that he is very rattled.  he stutters and stamers, barely getting the words past his lips.

So.......I started to have imaginings about what counsell[ing]" looks like.  I see trump putting goebells-conway over his knee and spanking her while they both laugh.  I see trump and goebbels-conway with her twin brother goebbels-bannon, in some unused bedroom in the white house having some sick perverted B&D or S&M 'three way' with trump and goebbels-bannon "counsell[ing]" her in the process (please forgive my over-active imagination, the image in my mind made me feel queasy too).  I envision trump calling goebbels-conway into the oval office and simply saying (tongue in cheek) 'you naughty girl, keep up the good work, consider yourself counselled'

Now this is all fun & games, what I've written so far, but this is actually serious stuff with wide ranging implications.  trump set goebbels-conway up when, the day before, he 'tweeted':

Donald J. Trump

My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by@Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!
10:51 AM - 8 Feb 2017

(By the way, either she isn't pushing very hard, or more likely, her moral compass points due south like her father's)

he put her in the position of knowing that when asked about trump's issue with Nordtrom, that she would have to support him, to defend him, to shield him, to take the heat for him, and with the official White House logo on screen, appearing over her left shoulder. Too bad for her that she is unable to control what comes out of her mouth.  But then again, that's why trump employs her.  trump, himself is the ring leader of this and what will be other unethical behaviors.  There is now way to ensure that if some foreign government or official pulls out of a 'deal' with a trump business or issues a ruling regarding a trump property that trump doesn't like, that trump won't retaliate by using the office of the President and the force of the U.S. government to persuade a reversal or to punish the offending party.  We have no way to ensure this, because trump remains involved in his businesses and therefore he has a clear conflict of interest.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by Republican Jason Caffetz of Utah, now has to get involved.  Chaffetz has, up to this point, taken a 'wait and see' attitude.  Well, the waiting is over my friend. We have now seen.  Chaffetz responded to this ethics violation by telling NBC news, "That was wrong, wrong, wrong.  It is wholly unacceptable — no ifs, ands or buts about it." 

Ok, so whatta ya gonna do about it buddy? In a joint letter with Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the committee, Chaffetz asked the OGE to investigate Conway's behavior and recommend possible disciplinary action. Nice passing of the buck. But hold it, wait.........per a 'tweet' from the OGE, it "does not have investigative or enforcement authority."  Well, who does?

You know this is stretching me a little thin. While living my life, you know.......going to work for nine to ten hours a day, cleaning the house, cooking dinners, taking care of myself, taking care of my dog, writing this blog, participating in political activities and protesting trump in all the ways that fit in to the rest of my schedule, I really don't have the time to track down who has the authority and the responsibility to "investigate" 'alleged' ethics violations by trump's staff (alleged my ass, there she is on video using the power of The White House to in her words, not mine, "advertise" a product, who cares who's product). But much would you pay now?!??!

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