Monday, February 13, 2017

Maintaining Momentum

This will be the 90th post to this blog.  I'm taking this opportunity to pause, reflect and ask the question, to what purpose.  What does this blog mean for me and for those of you that read it?  I can't answer the second part of this question, but I want to share my answers regarding its meaning to me.

A few days after the election, in November of 2016, I started to write.  I was enraged.  I was depressed. I was scared.  I needed an outlet or I was going to implode.  I'm not an exploder (except on rare occasions), I stuff emotions down and draw into myself.  Once I got the engine started, I found myself feeling more self confident and energized than I can remember ever being.  Of course, this is a great benefit, but there is a reason behind these perks.  I feel confident that writing this blog has kept me energized.  It promotes the energy.  It takes angry emotions and scared emotions and puts the energy to good use.  I am more politically educated than I have ever been and I'm sharing my learning with others.  You, the reader may very well already know most if not all that I have written about.  If so, that's a good thing.  If not, then I hope that I have been helpful.

When i'm writing, it is mostly a stream of consciousness.  It comes to me 'organically' as I type.  The next phrase or sentence is informed by the current one.  Again all of this is well and good, but to what end.  I've written this blog I've written to Representatives in the House. I've written to Senators. I've written via email, regular mail and certified mail. I've written all local Democratic Committees in Bucks, PA where I live.  I've put a fun protest video on you tube. I've protested in Harrisburg, PA.  I've been threatened while protesting in Harrisburg.  I've protested on inauguration day in D.C. I've protested at The Million Woman March in D.C.  And to quote a great protester from the 60s, Arlo Guthrie, "I ain't proud.........or tired".  So, again, to what end. Here it is.........  the punch line.  To help me and to help  you to stay motivated, because we are going to need to stay energized for, at the very least, the next two years.

In a little less then two years we will have the 'mid term' elections.  It is absolutely imperative that our energy level remains consistently strong, without flagging, up to and blasting right through that day.  We must turn both Houses of Congress around. We can and we will, as long as we maintain our current momentum.  In fact (and I do mean fact) I see our energy level growing every day, with all the pieces falling together.

Not only do we want to turn both Houses around, but we want to keep the heat and pressure turned up and when the current Representatives and Senators think we can't turn it up any further we need to do just that, turn it up more.  We can do this as well and so far it's working.  The fact that we are seeing successes will reinforce our behavior.  We can see the positive results of our actions.  We may be able to bring enough pressure to bear to have the Republican dominated House of Representatives begin Impeachment proceedings prior to the mid term elections.  They will be concerned for their jobs if they are capable of reading the writing on the wall.

So, these are the reasons I write this blog and participate in other activities.  If my blog helps just a few of you stay motivated, I will feel like I've been effective.

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