Sunday, February 26, 2017

Who is Nils Bildt

Questions are all over the net 'Who is Nils Bildt? '

I was posting Saturday's blog on Sunday morning on Facebook and I saw something on the right side of the page that peaked my interest.  There was a question, the same one as above.  So I googled the question.  Here's some results:

- Who is Nils Bildt? Swedish ‘national security advisor’ interviewed by Fox News is a mystery to Swedes

- Swedish 'national security advisor' interviewed by Fox News not known to Swedish officials: report

- Bill O'Reilly's Swedish 'national security adviser' has people scratching their heads

- Fox News's 'Swedish defence advisor' unknown to country's military officials

- Fox News claims Swedish unknown Nils Bildt is 'national security advisor'

Now, I'm an old man, so I especially liked the chat board i found on AARP.  When I went into the chat I found a link to a Swedish news publication.

Who is Nils Bildt? - AARP Online Community

18 hours ago - Well, at least they gave him a name and a face and I assume that the words were seen coming out of his mouth. So there is a direct route to ...

This following headline is from the link to the Swedish newspaper.  Who knows, maybe fake news has traveled to Sweden.

Fake Sweden expert on Fox News – has criminal convictions in US, no connection to Swedish security

So......let's piece this all together,  Bill O'Reilly attempts to bolster his case that Sweden is having a rise in crime due to immigration.  He brings on this guy, named Nils Bildt.  Bildt emigrated from Sweden to the U.S. in 1994 with his original name of Tolling.  In 2003 he changed his name after becoming a U.S. citizen.  According to his web site he is a founding member of a corporate geopolitical strategy and security consulting business with offices in Washington, Brussels and Tokyo.  The Swedish newspaper reports that    "[i]t is unclear if his companies are still in business".  

The Swedish news source also found that "according to documents from Arlington General District Court in Virginia. Bildt was arrested on the 19th of June, 2014, for assaulting a law enforcement person and for obstruction of justice, after threatening an official [Case number: GC14002638-00]."  The Washington Post also notes that Bildt was "convicted of a violent offense while living in Virginia and was given a one-year prison sentence in 2014".  Bildt is quoted in the Post article as having said, "Had I spent a year in prison, I would think I would remember it."

The Guardian, a respected British news source, reports that in a statement from FOX, "[t]he executive producer [David Tabacoff] of The O’Reilly Factor said Bildt was recommended by people the show’s booker consulted while making numerous inquiries about potential guests.  After pre-interviewing him and reviewing his bio, we agreed that he would make a good guest for the topic that evening,” 

Bildt sent a short e-mail to DN (Dagens Nyheter, the Swedish publication referenced above) on Friday, noting that he was given the title of ”Swedish defense and national security advisor” by FOX.  An excerpt from the email reads,  ”I appeared on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News. The title was chosen by Fox News's editor – I had no personal control over what title they chose. I am an independent analyst based in the USA”.

Also reported in the DN article was that,  "Marie Pisäter at the Swedish Defense Ministry says that no-one called Nils Bildt works there. 'We have no spokesman by that name', she said. The Foreign Office also denies that he works there. 'We do not know who he is.' "  

Again, from the Guardian article, the FOX network has said that "O’Reilly was expected to address the subject further on Monday’s show".  I'll put a clothes pin on my nose as I check this expiation out on Tuesday.

So there you have it, some bonafide fake news including alternative facts.  It doesn't get any better (smellier?) than this folks.

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