Thursday, February 9, 2017

Conflicts of Interest Starting to Show

It's only been three weeks?  It feels like a LOT longer.  And yet, In just three weeks the conflicts of interest are starting to show up (really one of them has been present since day one, but the media is just starting to report on it).  Before we get to the conflict that has existed siince since minute one, I'll discuss the DOD (Department of Defense) conflict of interest first.

The DOD needs to always have an office near The President.  There was an extremely secure trailer on the grounds of G.W. Bush's Texas home.  There was office space rented near President Obama's Chicago home.  Of course, the DOD needs to rent office space NEAR trump's New York residence, so they are looking at space IN trump tower.  d.j[ackass]. trump has not divested himself of his business interests, so any rent paid to trump tower is money given to trump.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST!  But wait, that's not the only issue with this scenario.

I'd like to make an analogy.  IT people (computer geeks) will understand this analogy.  If you have servers in one building and you want to build a redundant system, would you build it in the same building.  Of course not.  It is subject to the same power outages, the same physical attacks, the same fire.  You get the idea.  Using the same thought process, why in the world would the DOD be in the SAME building as trump?  If there is a power outage, a fire or an attack on the building then,  not only is trump in danger, but so are the functions that the DOD is supplying for trump.  This is plain out stupid.

I did a little research regarding office space NEAR trump's residence.  trump tower is at 725 5th Avenue. The next street to the east and parallel to 5th Ave is Madison Avenue.  Directly next to trump tower, to the east is 580 Madison Avenue,  All that separates these two buildings is a court yard.  All that one would have to do to get from one building to the other is walk across this courtyard.  Both issues resolved with this conflict of interest and smart placement of the DOD in relation to trump's residence.  But I want you to know that I'm just an average guy.  What the hell do I know?

Now the conflict that has existed since minute one of trump being the admin.  The trump international hotel, in D.C. is leased by trump. It is in the old Post Office Building and as such is owned by our country.  The lease is administered by the GSA (Government Services Administration). The lease for the building specifically reads that the lease holder cannot be a federal elected official.  Whoaaaaaaa!!!!  As much as none of us wants to admit it,, trump is an elected federal official.  The moment that he became the head admin on 1/20, he was in violation of this contract, this lease with the GSA.

trump is trying to pull one over on us.  he has placed the trump international hotel, along with many other businesses in what is referred to as a revocable trust.  A revocable trust is a trust that can have provisions altered or canceled dependent on the grantor. During the life of the trust, income earned is distributed to the grantor, and only after death does property transfer to the beneficiaries. This is not a blind trust.   The social security number associated with the grantor of this trust  is........wait for it........ d. j[ackass]. trump's!!!!!!  Who woulda guessed?

The GSA needs to evict trump, plain and simple.  trump will surely take the GSA to court.  trump will surely lose.

Of course, as has become my standard operating procedure (SOP), I will be writing and calling the following individuals at the GSA.  I'm including their contact information if you want to contact them, as well.

Timothy O. Horne
Acting Administrator

Horne, Timothy (8P)
LAKEWOOD CO 80225-0546
Phone: (303) 236-8448

Anthony Costa
Acting Deputy Administrator

Costa, Tony (AG)Senior Advisor
1800 F ST NW 5145
WASHINGTON DC 20405-0001
Phone: (202) 501-0635
Cell: (202) 439-4754

Joanna Rosato
Acting Chief of Staff

Rosato, Joanna (3P)Regional Commissioner for PBS
Phone: (215) 446-4640
Fax:(215) 446-6078
Cell: (609) 425-8652

Norman Dong
Public Buildings Service

Dong, Norm (P)
1800 F ST NW
WASHINGTON DC 20405-0001

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