Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Gettin' the Bad Ones

***** Writer's note - please read as if it was 2/14/17.  Sorry for late post. *********

Yesterday, after a meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau from canada, trump was speaking about the arrest of 680 'criminal aliens' by Homeland Security last week.  he said he would "get the criminals out .......... the gang members. We're gettin' the bad ones out"   Well, far be it from me to agree with trump, but........... he's right!  First 'bad hombre' to go is Michael Flynn, the now former National Security Adviser.

I like the way NBC news put it:

"Michael Flynn abruptly quit as [] [d]onald [t]rump's national security adviser Monday night, hours after it emerged that the Justice Department informed the White House that it believed he could be subject to blackmail."

The key words  for me are "blackmail" and "abruptly"

By abruptly, I'm guessing this means at night.  It seems to me that when anything negative happens in the trump 'administration', it happens at night.  What.......does trump think that if it happens at night,that we won't see it?  If you recall, it was a Saturday night when trump signed the memorandum placing goebbels-bannon on the Principals Committee of the NSC.  trump signed the travel & refugee ban on a Friday night.  trump fired Sally Yates at night.  Maybe they're all from The Dark Side and are trying to use the force in bad ways.  Maybe they're all failures as vampires.  Hell ...... I don't know!

Now the word blackmail, that one is intriguing.  Sally Yates, you remember her, she was the acting Attorney General that refused to enforce trump's travel and refugee ban; well she pointed out weeks ago that Flynn may have been open to blackmail due to discussing existing sanctions on Russia with Russian officials prior to trump's inauguration. At 9:57 pm last night, 2/13/17,  Rueters reported that,
"[t]he Justice Department warned the White House weeks ago that national security adviser Michael Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail for contacts with Russian officials before [] [d]onald [t]rump took power, a U.S. official said on Monday."

Prior to inauguration day, Flynn steadfastly claimed he had not discussed sanctions with Russian officials.  Within the past few days, Flynn acknowledged that he might have discussed sanctions with the Russians but "could not remember with 100 percent certainty".  Reports indicate that [p]ence felt he had been misled.  Oh well!!!!!  Dishonest people attract dishonest people.

So, the moral of this story is just what I said in yesterday's post.  Keep up the heat and the pressure and the lug nuts will continue to loosen and the wheels will eventually fall off.  I believe that all of us that are protesting and writing to our representatives along with pressure on and by the media are yielding results.

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