Saturday, February 18, 2017

trump and family: An Embarrassment to Human Race

Number one, I am the least anti trump person you will ever meet.  Number two, I am the least anti nazi person you will ever meet.  Don't get up and try to clarify yourself, quiet.......quiet, quiet.

Now I don't think it's fair that you should judge me on my public body of work and statements.  If I say it is so, then it is!  Case closed!  You have no right to presume to know me or how I feel about anyone.  What I say at any given moment is it and that is that!

What an asshole.  No, not you.  I have switched personas now.  I'm back to me, as you know me from my writings, which is who I am.  My writings truly do reflect who I am.  I do not like trump.  I do not like nazis.  I do not like the goebbels twins (bannon and conway).  I do not like the puppet (spicer).  I do not like nazi boy miller.  I do not like them Sam I am.  I do not like purple eggs and chartreuse ham.   When we get to the end of the book I still won't like them because I have tried them and they taste like crap!

So, for those that do not know, I was born Jewish.  I was raised as a Jew in the Conservative branch of the religion.  I no longer subscribe to Judaism as a religion, but I am still a Jew and there is no way to change that.  And as a Jew, I found trump's treatment of the Orthodox Jewish reporter on Thursday to be completely out of line.  I also found the reporter's wording to be pandering.  First, some background.  On February 2nd, the reporter, who goes by the pseudonym Jake Turx, tweeted puppet-spicer (I find it sad that twitter is being used as an official channel for communication in Government).

Jake Turx

Dear @PressSec @seanspicer,
Please call on me at the next press briefing. I'm the guy w/ the words "Jake Turx" on my kippa.
(RT this y'all!)
7:51 PM - 2 Feb 2017

Then, prior to Thursday's press conference, the New York Times reports that Turx "spent an hour crafting a question about a recent surge of anti-Semitism, with a preamble that he hoped would convey his supportive disposition toward [....] [t]rump."
The exchange between Mr. Turx and trump went as follows, as reported in the referenced New York Times article:

“ "Despite what some of my colleagues may have been reporting, I haven’t seen anybody in my community accuse either yourself or anyone on your staff of being anti-Semitic. We understand that you have Jewish grandchildren. You are their zayde,” which is Yiddish for “grandfather” and often a word of great affection."
“ "However,” Mr. Turx continued, “what we are concerned about and what we haven’t really heard being addressed is an uptick in anti-Semitism and how the government is planning to take care of it. There’s been a report out that 48 bomb threats have been made against Jewish centers all across the country in the last couple of weeks. There are people committing anti-Semitic acts or threatening to——” "

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