Thursday, February 2, 2017

Protests Continue on Many Fronts

Today's post will be short because I have spent most of my time allotted for governmental activity to writing to all one hundred Senators, all of my state's House representatives and the majority and minority leaders of both chambers of Congress.  All of us have a finite amount of time each day that we can use for various activities.  With regards to protesting the current administration, although there is a large amount to be protested, I am currently focusing on steve bannon.  I feel sure that this individual is the true and biggest threat to our nation right now.  So, this is where I am placing my efforts right now.  Yesterday it was phone call day.  Today it is email day.  I urge all of you, all Americans who are concerned to focus on one concern at a time, whatever it may be, and flood Congressional representatives with protest communications.  After I see results on the bannon issue, I will surely switch to another issue that seems urgent at that moment.  I feel we are currently in a position of putting out fires, but we will move through this and be able to be proactive.

Protest is occurring all across our country and in many sectors of our society.  The understanding that trump and the gang he has assembled is dangerous is settling in quickly.  I have seen postings on facebook from people who make note that they are republican and are asking there fellow republicans to not support trump.   The executive order on immigration and banning travel from specified countries has seen protests at airports,  in the streets and at colleges and universities across the country.

I was alerted by a colleague that federal employees were starting to do exactly what I had hoped for.  I looked up a Washington Post article which makes note of the following actions:

- "federal workers are in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can do to push back against the new president’s initiatives"

- "Some federal employees have set up social media accounts to anonymously leak word of changes that [t]rump appointees are trying to make"

- "a few government workers are pushing back more openly, incurring the wrath of a White House that, as press secretary [s]ean [s]picer said this week about dissenters at the State Department, sends a clear message that they “should either get with the program, or they can go.”"
(Note - the trump administration will learn quickly that firing a federal employee is next to impossibe, and we need to make sure that Congress continues to protect federal employees)

- "At a church in Columbia Heights last weekend, dozens of federal workers attended a support group for civil servants seeking a forum to discuss their opposition to the [t]rump administration"

- "180 federal employees have signed up for a workshop next weekend, where experts will offer advice on workers’ rights and how they can express civil disobedience"

- "At the Justice Department, an employee in the division that administers grants to nonprofits fighting domestic violence and researching sex crimes said the office has been planning to slow its work and to file complaints with the inspector general’s office if asked to shift grants away from their mission. “You’re going to see the bureaucrats using time to their advantage,” said the employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation. Through leaks to news organizations and internal complaints, he said, “people here will resist and push back against orders they find unconscionable.”"

There is much more good news in the article and I urge you to click on the above link to finish reading it. I believe it will help you feel a little bit more positive about our government and our chances to stop trump's and bannon's dangerous agenda.

Lastly I am supplying two links that will provide you with contact information to all of the members of Congress.

For the House of Representatives -

FIRED UP? .......... READY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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