Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Russians Are Not Going Away

The lug nuts continue to loosen on the poorly built and rickety Russian made trump vehicle, and be assured that those that he surrounds himself with are both lugs and nuts.  Yesterday, trump's nominee for Labor Secretary removed himself from consideration just prior to senate hearings on his nomination.  This, though, is just another piece of craziness that indicates the incompetence of trump and his clique.

In the Washington Post on line, I found an opinion piece posted last night written by E.J. Dionne Jr.   Dionne asks the question, "[w]hat is this democratic nation to do when the man serving as president of the United States plainly has no business being president of the United States?"  He goes on to point out that, " [t]he [m]ichael [f]lynn fiasco was the entirely predictable product of the indiscipline, deceit, incompetence and moral indifference that characterize Donald Trump’s approach to leadership."

I agree with what Mr. Dionne has written and suggest that a case can easily be made to take his thoughts to the next level.  I believe (and that's all it is, is a belief) that the 'flyn fiasco' is really part of a cover up with reference to trump's campaign having possible relationships and communications with Russian officials prior to election day.  So let's put  together a logical scenario.  First, though, I want to point out, as I have before,  that I am not a conspiracy theorist.  What I am about to present is purely, as they say (whoever 'they' are) 'circumstantial evidence'.

Now, it seems well established that the 'trump administration' has known about flyn's 'possible' discussions with the Russian ambassador regarding lifting sanctions placed on Russia by President Obama prior to inauguration day.  All well and good.  The supposed  issue was that flyn 'lied' to pence, not that he had done something illegal.  Horse crap!  Since it was known for many weeks (three I believe) then why now?

Wellllllll .......... maybe, just maybe there was fear (not concern, but fear) that the spotlight being placed on flyn would lead further back in time.  You know, like before election day.  

With this thought in mind, it seems that the weak link in the pressure puzzle may be starting to stiffen their resolve.  I am speaking of the Democrats in Congress.   Yesterday Chuck Schumer held a meeting with the Democratic caucus. After the meeting Schumer spoke with the press and said that, “There is real concern that administration, transition and campaign officials may try to cover up ties to Russia by deleting emails, texts and other records that could shine a light on those connections.  I’ve been in Congress for a long time, I’ve never seen anything like this,”  He reiterated his demand that Attorney General [j]eff [s]essions,  recuse himself from the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) probe of the campaign’s ties to Russia.  This is per a report in an online publication named The Hill.

The same article reported that , "[t]he New York Times reported late Tuesday that phone records and intercepted calls show members of [t]rump’s presidential campaign had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence officials in the months before Election Day."

Schumer also noted that if sessions does not recuse himself from any DOJ probe into this issue, then the “investigation will remain jaundiced and the American people will doubt the credibility of its findings”.  Here is why I hedged my words above when I wrote that Congressional Democrats "may" be starting to stiffen their resolve.  A probe by the DOJ or the FBI will not be a valid investigation.  Both of these departments are controlled by the administration.  The only way that we, the people, can be assured of an objective investigation is with an independent prosecutor assigned by Congress.  Anything less will not be trustworthy.  Chuck Schumer needs to press extremely hard on republicans to do so.  He needs to make it clear that either trump will go or Congressional republicans will surely go at the mid term elections.  The Republicans in Congress may already be reading the hand writing on the wall and therefore, knowing that they will be removed, have no motivation for doing the right thing.  They may see that it now no longer maters what they do, they will be swept away by a very large mid term voter turn out.

Looking at another piece of the pressure puzzle is the intelligence community.  Their are patriotic Americans in this community that see the danger that trump present.  These individuals are doing the right thing by "leaking" information to the press. It is also noted in a Wall Street Journal article on Wednesday that "in some cases officials opted not to show the president how it collected [ ] information. Both former and current officials, said the decision to hold back information underscores the mistrust between the Executive Branch and spies."

Tune in tomorrow for a look at what's going on with reference to the intel community.

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