Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Careful Reading of the 2nd Amendment

“Gun advocates", which is a polarizing rhetorical label, reference the 2nd amendment and the Constitution when making a case for  the right of  citizens to keep and bear arms.  In mid 2015 I seriously read the 2nd amendment and mapped it to the Constitution.  Below are the results of my research,

As a  first step, I looked up the 2nd amendment.  I was surprised to find that it was an elegantly written single sentence.  Brevity of the written word, for me at least, represents a well thought out idea, condensed down to its most basic expression without any distractions for the reader.  The second amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It’s that simple!  But why is it simple?  I read the constitution to see what else I could learn.  The only place that I found referencing the militia and arms was in Article 1 (The Legislative Branch), Section 8 (Powers of Congress), clauses 15 & 16.  The mention of “the people” was easily found in the preamble.

The preamble is, again a single encapsulating sentence.  The overture, if you will, containing the basic thoughts to be presented in the body of the document:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

To me, “we the people” represents the  citizenry of the united states as a whole,  as opposed to a collection of individuals.  It notes that the document will set out  how to provide for the “common defence" , how to promote “general Welfare" and how to ensure the "blessings of liberty to “ourselves and our posterity".  I made note that each of these concepts spoke of the group, not of individuals.  “Common”.  “General”. “Ourselves”.  “Our [posterity]”.  I’ll come back to “we the people” later.

Clauses 15 & 16 of article 1, section 8 are clear about the powers being given to the congress.  Clause 15 reads:

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions

Surely, this clause, as does the 2nd amendment, has “the militia” as its subject.  By subject, I refer to the grammatical structure of the sentence.  I am strongly convinced that the framers of the constitution were keenly aware & concerned with the use and power of the English language and therefore the construction of each and every sentence.  History is clear about the debates that occurred at the constitutional congress, for days on end, regarding the wording and construction of sentences.  "To execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions",  for me points right back to the preamble which notes that the constitution will "provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".  So far, an extremely well thought out and constructed document!

Clause 16 further discusses the powers introduced in clause 15:

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such  Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the  States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

Note that the actions (in the grammatical sense) of this sentence are “organizing, arming, and disciplining”, while again, the subject is the Militia.  The control of the militia is clearly given to the congress in the phrase “the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; “
I needed to find out how this word “militia” was being defined.  It is the subject in both of these clauses and the 2nd amendment.  How did the law makers of that time period define militia?

I was heartened by my findings.  Less than 6 months after the 2nd amendment was ratified, the 1st & 2nd militia acts of 1792 were enacted by congress.  While the complete act is too large for the purposes of this posting, the following are some key points:

   - All free, white male citizens between the ages of 18 & 45 were required to enroll in their local militia

   - All citizens who were enrolled & notified needed to provide himself with musket, bayonet and belt, two spare flints, a cartridge box with 24 bullets, and a knapsack. Men owning rifles were required to provide a powder horn, 1/4 pound of gunpowder, 20 rifle balls, a shooting pouch, and a knapsack.

   - The members of all militias were required to report for training twice a year, usually in the Spring and Fall.

   - The militias were divided into "divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies" as the state legislatures would direct

So……it is clear that the word “militia” refers to organized groups with specified purposes.

Now that i have all of the pieces and I understand them, I'll put the puzzle together.  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State obviously refers to an organized group with specified purposes that is set up to provide for the common defence.  

..... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  The reference here is again obvious to me.  The "right of the people" obviously refers back to the preamble of the Constitution which begins with "We the people". 

I do not have a problem with the sensible use of sensible firearms, but let's cut the crap.  I don't care what judicial decisions have been made since the Bill of Rights was written.  It is as obvious as the nose on anyone's face that the framers where not giving the right to the individual citizen to own firearms when they wrote the 2nd amendment.  If we want to talk about the issue, let's get rid of this specious argument which simply gets people fired up and let's have a meaningful conversation.

Monday, February 27, 2017

A Crack in the Independent Prosecutor Wall

A Republican Congressman has admitted, publicly, on video tape, that there needs to be an independent prosecutor assigned to investigate trump!  Let's have a party!  Yipee!  Woooo wooo!  And what's more, he is a Representative known to be partisan and at least according to one fellow Congressman "acrimonious" 

Congressman Derrell Issa, a Republican from California  was on the HBO show Real Time, hosted by Bill Maher.  Issa was at first reluctant to make this declaration.  He told Maher that the investigations would happen in the House and Senate Intelligence committees.  Maher pressed the issue and Issa  ended up agreeing with maher:

“You’re right that you cannot have somebody — a friend of mine, Jeff Sessions — who was on the campaign and who is an appointee. You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office."

He also pointed out that handing the job to the deputy attorney general, who is also a political appointee, would be unreliable as well

Issa served as head of the House Oversight committee. Congressman Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland who is currently and was the ranking Democrat on the same committee has been quoted as saying Issa's leadership of the Oversight Committee for four years was "filled with acrimony, partisanship and sometimes vulgar displays”

In related news, we all know that the FBI is conducting its own investigation into the Russian hacking of the 2016 election and possible contact between trump's campaign staff and Russian officials during the presidential campaign. Reports by CNN and the AP have noted that White House chief of staff reince priebus contacted top FBI officials, including FBI Director James Comey, and asked them to “publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign.” The FBI refused.

In an article by a news source with the name Think Progress, which I have not seen before, but is obviously "liberal leaning", I found the following information.  The publication spoke with Harvard law professor Larry Tribe.  Tribe noted that, “[i]t could well be attempted obstruction of justice, and it’s certainly so unethical that it would be a firing offense for a chief of staff in any White House that respects the rule of law.”


U.S. law specifically states that anyone, ANYONE, who attempts to influence the administration of justice is in violation of this code:

18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally
Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate, in the discharge of his duty, or injures any such grand or petit juror in his person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or injures any such officer, magistrate judge, or other committing magistrate in his person or property on account of the performance of his official duties, or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

Even if priebus is not found to be in violation of this statute he certainly appears to be in violation of a DOJ rule regarding communication between White House officials and DOJ ongoing investigations.  The FBI reports to the DOJ.  In a 2009 memo from then Attorney General Holder, the White House is prohibited from directly communicating with the FBI about ongoing investigations.  The only possible communication, per the memo, is of a limited nature between the President, Vice President or the White House Counsel and the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General.

Think Progress reports that  David Cole, the National Legal Director for the ACLU, believes priebus broke those rules.  Not that I'm a lawyer, but as I've said before, I can read and comprehend what I'm reading.  Seems to me like he has definitely run afoul of the memo that draws a line between the White House and any investigations being performed by the DOJ.  Now back to the subject of an Independent prosecutor; we're not going to know what priebus said to the FBI without one, and therefore will not be able to determine if he has broken the law.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Who is Nils Bildt

Questions are all over the net 'Who is Nils Bildt? '

I was posting Saturday's blog on Sunday morning on Facebook and I saw something on the right side of the page that peaked my interest.  There was a question, the same one as above.  So I googled the question.  Here's some results:

- Who is Nils Bildt? Swedish ‘national security advisor’ interviewed by Fox News is a mystery to Swedes

- Swedish 'national security advisor' interviewed by Fox News not known to Swedish officials: report

- Bill O'Reilly's Swedish 'national security adviser' has people scratching their heads

- Fox News's 'Swedish defence advisor' unknown to country's military officials

- Fox News claims Swedish unknown Nils Bildt is 'national security advisor'

Now, I'm an old man, so I especially liked the chat board i found on AARP.  When I went into the chat I found a link to a Swedish news publication.

Who is Nils Bildt? - AARP Online Community


18 hours ago - Well, at least they gave him a name and a face and I assume that the words were seen coming out of his mouth. So there is a direct route to ...

This following headline is from the link to the Swedish newspaper.  Who knows, maybe fake news has traveled to Sweden.

Fake Sweden expert on Fox News – has criminal convictions in US, no connection to Swedish security
UPPDATERAD 16:18 PUBLICERAD 2017-02-24http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/fake-sweden-expert-on-fox-news-has-criminal-convictions-in-us-no-connection-to-swedish-security/

So......let's piece this all together,  Bill O'Reilly attempts to bolster his case that Sweden is having a rise in crime due to immigration.  He brings on this guy, named Nils Bildt.  Bildt emigrated from Sweden to the U.S. in 1994 with his original name of Tolling.  In 2003 he changed his name after becoming a U.S. citizen.  According to his web site he is a founding member of a corporate geopolitical strategy and security consulting business with offices in Washington, Brussels and Tokyo.  The Swedish newspaper reports that    "[i]t is unclear if his companies are still in business".  

The Swedish news source also found that "according to documents from Arlington General District Court in Virginia. Bildt was arrested on the 19th of June, 2014, for assaulting a law enforcement person and for obstruction of justice, after threatening an official [Case number: GC14002638-00]."  The Washington Post also notes that Bildt was "convicted of a violent offense while living in Virginia and was given a one-year prison sentence in 2014".  Bildt is quoted in the Post article as having said, "Had I spent a year in prison, I would think I would remember it."

The Guardian, a respected British news source, reports that in a statement from FOX, "[t]he executive producer [David Tabacoff] of The O’Reilly Factor said Bildt was recommended by people the show’s booker consulted while making numerous inquiries about potential guests.  After pre-interviewing him and reviewing his bio, we agreed that he would make a good guest for the topic that evening,” 

Bildt sent a short e-mail to DN (Dagens Nyheter, the Swedish publication referenced above) on Friday, noting that he was given the title of ”Swedish defense and national security advisor” by FOX.  An excerpt from the email reads,  ”I appeared on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News. The title was chosen by Fox News's editor – I had no personal control over what title they chose. I am an independent analyst based in the USA”.

Also reported in the DN article was that,  "Marie Pisäter at the Swedish Defense Ministry says that no-one called Nils Bildt works there. 'We have no spokesman by that name', she said. The Foreign Office also denies that he works there. 'We do not know who he is.' "  

Again, from the Guardian article, the FOX network has said that "O’Reilly was expected to address the subject further on Monday’s show".  I'll put a clothes pin on my nose as I check this expiation out on Tuesday.

So there you have it, some bonafide fake news including alternative facts.  It doesn't get any better (smellier?) than this folks.

Town Hall Today

**** Writer's note - I regret not getting this posted on Saturday.  Please read it as if it were Saturday ****

As I noted a couple of days ago, I am going to a town hall meeting for Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional district today.  It is being held at Phoenixville High School in Chester County, PA.  I was having a text conversation with a friend this morning.  She keeps herself well informed.  She learned that Representative Ryan Costello will not be attending.  He is calling the meeting a "stunt".  I'm going to share the the rest of our conversation.  I must warn you that my language is a little dicey in two places, but I suspect that all of you have heard these two words before:

me: [I'm] sad that Costello will not show.  This type of behavior will be used to remove him from office in 20 months and 2 weeks.

friend: The r's are not taking this seriously yet.  They say that we are just whining about a lost election. 

me: Fine with me.  You notice no one is taking that bait.  I haven't heard that horse shit responded to once.  If they wish to rub that crap in their own eyes and blind themselves with it, that works for us obtaining our goal in the mid terms.

friend: Yep, it is our advantage if they don't see it coming.

It is now Saturday night.  The town hall was over at 3 pm, but I had 'stuff' to do, so I needed to wait until now to share my experience and impressions.  The event was well organized.  There was a check in table before entering the auditorium.  Anyone that wanted to ask the Congressman a question was given a pre-formatted piece of paper to write there question on.  It included your name, the zip code you lived in and noted that you were not being paid to be at the town hall.  There was a good amount of space to include how the question you would be asking related to you, the person asking the question.  Then there was a large amount of space to write the question.  On the reverse side of the paper, we were asked to write our name and address, so each person's question could be submitted to Costello's office.  Representative Costello did not honor the many invitations that were shared with him and his staff.  The official word from Costello is that the meeting was a 'stunt by a political activist group'.

The event was coordinated by a group named Concerned Constituent Action Group.  Oh no......we were all activists.  Well I say that's a good thing.  The people that organized the meeting were in an "action group".  Those of us attending were being politically active.  This is bad stuff?  Imagine......citizens in a democracy taking action to be involved in their country's discourse, action to discuss how each of us believes our country should be administered, having an active voice in letting our elected officials hear what we the people think.  The audacity!

Well, I am glad to report that we were indeed active.  The auditorium was packed.  I'd estimate four to five hundred.  There were two microphones set up, one at the front of each isle.  because Costello did not attend, there was a large picture of him from the shoulders up, set up at a podium on the stage, so we could address him as questions were asked.  Each isle had at least one hundred questioners lined up.  The planners of the event asked that only Costello's constituents  ask questions.  I felt like this was the best course of action, so that the meeting would be conducted in an above board way.

Before the questions began, a woman spoke about town halls and their value to democracy.  She noted that her family has been taking part in town hall meetings for 380 years, starting in New England.  She followed that point by noting that we all became Americans by way immigration.  Although we were asked to hold our applause, we simply could not, and applauded every questioner.  Each question, each one, came from an informed person.  Each questioner made a solid case, based in fact, for their question.  Approximately 100 to 125 questions were asked in the two hours that were allotted for the meeting.  The subject matter covered a full range of concerns.  The main concerns were the environment, education, immigration, ethics, goebbels-bannon.  Of course there were questions around an independent investigation into trump and possible impeachable offenses including Russia, conflicts of interest and the need for the release of his taxes, the Logan Act, and the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.

Everyone that spoke touched me deeply and impressed me.  I'd like to share my impressions about two of the questioners.  The first person, a woman of 52 years, reported that she had been a Republican since she was 18 years old.  Her husband was & currently is in a branch of the armed forces.  Over the years they have had friends who have died in battle while serving their and our country.  She was proud of her husband and those that he has served with.  After laying out this back story, she let Costello know (well......his picture) in no uncertain terms that when she saw the executive order banning transgender people from using the rest room facility of the gender that they identify as, she was sick to her heart and within ten minutes she had switched her party registration to the Democratic Party.  The applause was loud and prolonged.

The second individual was a woman also.  I'll guess that she was in her mid to late thirties, maybe early forties.  She was pissed off.  And again, this was a person, who came from a strong conservative background.  She was no less then a member of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution).  I can't imagine that any of you do not know what the DAR is, but as a brief revue, membership is limited to only those who are direct descendants of families that took part in the revolution that created our country.  Members are typically conservative, although not necessarily.  One thing that I have always noted about these women is that they are fiercely proud of and loyal to our country.  In an informed and intelligent way, this woman ripped into trump, goebbels-bannon and Costello's rubber stamp performance in relation to the new administration.  Her words were loud and emphatic, but not disrespectful.  She was interrupted many times by loud and sustained applause.  Her question, at the end was, a challenge to Congressman Costello to lead, not follow.  She asked if he went to Congress to be a leader or someone who votes as he is told to vote by the Republican "leadership".  The final question was 'when are you going to stand up and lead?' (I am presenting this as paraphrasing, because I did not write down or record these words).

I also need to mention a woman who had family in Sandy Hook Connecticut and was very upset about Costello's typical knee jerk votes on sensible gun laws.  She noted his usual reference to 2nd amendment rights.  She and I had a brief word, and agreed that the 2nd amendment does not give the right of gun ownership to individual citizens, but rather to state controlled militia.  This is a concern that is very dear to me.  I have read the 2nd amendment, the constitution and certain laws that were passed immediately after the ratification of the 2nd amendment that clarify its language.  I will report on my research next week.

To wrap up this post, I will note that all of the concerns were brought up multiple times and all were couched in personal ways that made each address of a concern unique.  There were a few former government position holders at various levels.  There were teachers & professors.  There were former news media reporters.  There were doctors and nurses.  Many of the speakers were clear that the energy displayed thus far was not going to be going away.

Each time I go to an event of any sort, I come away with a renewed and strengthened commitment to and faith that we the people will provide the fuel to change the engine of our government  to a cleaner machine.

Fired up and ready to go!

Friday, February 24, 2017

At the Boarder

Today, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments regarding a Mexican teen who was killed by a U.S. border patrol agent.  The teen was on Mexican soil and the border patrol agent was on U.S. soil.  What is at issue in the court is whether the teenager's mother can sue the agent in a U.S. court.

The background information here does not make saints out of those on either side of the border.  For years there have been regular incidents of large dense objects being thrown from people on the Mexican side of the border, over a 20 foot fence.  Objects like "chunks of concrete, a three pound quartz rock", oft times these items came in "barrages".  The boarder agents called these incidents "rockings".  These incidents occurred on an every other day basis, for the most part.  I found this information in an L.A. Times article dated 12/15/2015.  The article reports that:

"In the last five years, three Mexican teenagers have been shot dead by Border Patrol agents who, according to the agency, were under assault by rocks thrown over the fence. The Border Patrol deemed two shootings justified, but in the third case, an agent stands accused of second-degree murder."

The teen's name was Jose.  It seems he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  He was walking home after basketball practice.  It was a few days shy of his 17th birthday.  His family reports that he wanted to join the Mexican Army in order to fight drug trafficking.  This killing occurred on October 10, 2012.

In an article in the Arizona Republic, dated 2/1/2017, it is noted that the trial of the agent has been delayed for "at least the fifth time".  The original trial date was slated for late in 2015.


Jose's Mother has brought a civil suit against the boarder agent, in the American court system and is represented by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).  This civil action is the case that the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about today.  As reported in an L.A. Times article on 2/21/2017,

"At issue is whether the Mexican family can invoke the Constitution’s protections against excessive force and for due process of law to restrain the conduct of the American agent, or whether U.S. law stops at the border."

Now I'm going to tell you what I think!  The people throwing rocks and concrete are wrong, and in a couple of cases, dead wrong.  Not in Jose's case, but possibly in the other two cases referenced, I simply don't know.  

The response by the boarder agents is dead wrong.  Yes, being hit by heavy projectiles has injured many of these agents.  I completely understand the upset on the  part of the agents.  BUT, being hit and injured by rocks and concrete dies not justify deadly force.  Jose was shot ten times.  These agents are supposed to be trained to be disciplined  to respond appropriately.

These "rockings" were a regular event.  It is hard for me to understand why an effective, measured, responsible response had not been implemented..........you know, like a whole mess of tear gas.  I'm not an expert on tactical responses to ways of fending off attacks with or without lethal force, but it makes sense to me that the boarder patrol agents should have been equipped with tear gas in addition to guns and should have been clearly instructed to use tear gas first and guns last.  If using guns should be absolutely necessary, then shooting at the legs, shooting into the ground in front of the rock throwers should be the proscribed response instead of aiming at the core of their bodies.  The response that occurred in this case is out of line, out of whack, crazy!  

Let's reverse roles.  If a Mexican authority standing on Mexican soil shot an American standing on American soil, for whatever reason, what do you think would happen?  I suspect that it would be a full blown international incident.  I suspect that many Americans would DEMAND, the Mexican's extradition.  We, in America, need to take a really hard look at who the hell we think we are, because I'm here to tell you that we're just humans like all other people on this planet.  We do not warrant elevated status and therefore the authority to act with impunity because we are Americans.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Congressional Recess Week

What follows is a letter to the editor of my local news paper, The Intelligencer.  The letter addresses two subjects, my Representative in the House and Congressional recess week:

Dear Editor,

Brian Fitzpatrick is not doing a good job of communicating with his constituents. This week is a recess week for Congress. One of the purposes of a Congressional recess is for Senators and Representatives to go back to their districts and listen to and have discussions with those that they represent.  I did not learn until this past weekend that this week was recess week.

I called Representative Fitzpatrick's Langhorne office on Monday 2/20 to ask if he would be having a town hall meeting.  The response was that there are "none planned as of now". I asked if it was a possibility and the answer was the same. I asked for an appointment with Mr. Fitzpatrick and was referred to his Congressional web site. It was late Monday afternoon, so I did not expect an answer until the next day. The request was for Friday 2/24 at his Langhorne office.

I understood that this was short notice, but because it was recess week and there was no town hall scheduled I was hoping that the response would be expedited.  Tuesday there was no response. I learned from the Langhorme office that all scheduling is done at the D.C. office. I called & was asked to give the staffer my concern and he would pass it on. I said no, that I want a meeting with the Congressman. He gave me the woman's email address that is responsible for the scheduling. I wrote her immediately.

It is 2:10 pm on Wednesday as I finish this letter and I have still heard nothing.

As I write this post, it is Thursday morning and I still have not received a reply of any sort from Representative Fitzpatrick's office.  Fitzpatrick represents Pennsylvania's  8th district.  I will be much more proactive about the next recess and I plan to organize a town hall for that time.

Understanding that I was getting nowhere with my representative I searched for a town hall close to me.  I found one in the next county to my west in PA district 6 with Representative Ryan Costello.  He happens to be a Republican, but his party does not matter to me.  What I want is the opportunity to ask questions of any member of what is at this moment a dysfunctional Congress.  Almost non-functional.  I have signed up to attend this town hall and also to help set up and break down the event.  The event is Saturday, so I will report on my experience either Saturday or Sunday.

There have been reports of many town hall meetings across the country that have been well attended by those of us that demand Congressional accountability and responsible oversight of the trump gang.  Mitch McConnell faced difficult questioning from constituents at a $10 per plate luncheon that was intended to be Republican friendly.  Here are some exchanges as reported by a local newspaper in Kentucky.

A man in the Audience asked, “[d]o you favor impeachment of  [ ] [t]rump for killing civilians in Yemen?”. McConnell gave no response.

Rose Mudd Perkins of Georgetown, Kentucky, asked McConnell to explain his position that former President Barack Obama’s environmental regulations had decimated the coal industry in Eastern Kentucky.  “If you can answer that, I will sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren.” 

McConnell replied, “I hope you feel better."

Another woman by the name of Courtney Walker, also from Georgetown, came with her 14-month-old daughter.  She asked McConnell about Republican plans to repeal and replace the federal health care law.  She pointed out that the Affordable Care Act (ACA)  enabled her to get the care she needed during her pregnancy and after her daughter’s birth.  With reference to repealing the ACA, Walker said “[p]eople in Kentucky are very pissed”.

Still at McConnell's luncheon, NPR reports that a frustrated man in the audience demanded, "Answer the question, Mitch!" after McConnell's curt answer to Rose Perkins. The man was  escorted by state and local law enforcement out of the venue.  A few in the crowd booed and someone shouted "Do your job".
Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=c

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article134074694.html#storylink=cpy
a frustrated audience member told McConnell : 'Answer the question, Mitch!' after he offered a curt answer to a woman asking about lost coal jobs in Eastern Kenescorted by state and local law enforcement, a few in the crowd booed. Someone shouted 'Do your job.' "
Some other events that NPR reported on are as follows:

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley: The Des Moines Register described the senator's first town hall on Tuesday morning as "a raucous, sweaty tumult of cheering and jeering, interruptions and shouted questions."

Virginia Rep. Scott Taylor: The freshman congressman — who sits in a swing district sure to be a top target in 2018 — had a crowd of about 800 at his first town hall on Monday with another 200 waiting outside unable to get in, according to the Virginian Pilot

California Rep. Tom McClintock: Capital Public Radio's Ben Adler reports that a crowd of nearly 1,000 pressed the GOP congressman on health care Tuesday night in a town hall that was "opinionated yet peaceful, though manners and tempers sometimes ran short."

Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn: About 130 people packed Blackburn's town hall on Tuesday, where she faced pointed questions about the GOP's Obamacare replacement plans. From The Tennessean:

"Many of the questions were without clear answers from Blackburn, who served on [t]rump's transition team and is carrying key legislation that will be a part of the repeal effort from the GOP-led House. She said the replacement will include provisions allowing people of certain age groups with pre-existing conditions to get insurance.

"She said the replacement plan will be 'more responsive and more affordable' as well, without going into many specifics."

Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst: The freshman senator's veterans roundtable was met with chants of "We want our voices heard!" and "Your last term!" according to CNN. "She fielded just one question on health care and abruptly ended the event after 45 minutes, with a long line of people still waiting to ask questions."


trump, of course had to tweet:

[d]onald [j]. [t]rump

The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!

d.j[ackass]. and Republicans that mimic this type of statement are missing the point.  These so called 'activists' are Americans.  They are as Walker said to McConnell "pissed off".  And, they are actively working to limit the damage that may occur under trumps' administration and a rubber stamp Congress, to our country.  So if that makes activists and activism bad, then sign me up!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

trump Tries to Remove White Racist Image

Yesterday, d.j[ackass].  toured the African American Museum.  Why......who the hell knows?  It's reported that his wife visited the museum last week and was impressed.  The cynical side of me does not believe that trump's wife had any influence.  Maybe she said something to him, but if so, I don't believe he arranged the visit because she was impressed.  Rather, I believe his staff recognized the pressure that was building since his press conference last Thursday when he was rude to an orthodox Jewish journalist who tried to ask  trump about what the administration could do about the recent uptick in threats to Jewish gathering venues.  I believe that melania's visit gave his staff the convenient excuse for trump to visit the museum and use the visit as a platform to make a statement denouncing anti-Semitism.

So, why do I think this is a crock of crap?  Why am I cynical about trump's motives and sincerity?  Well, I'm a big fan of history.  And I believe that what a person does and says publicly over a LONG period of time reveals that person's true feelings and their moral compass.

trump is an off the cuff, bombastic speaker.  When he speaks in these ways, he reveals himself.  When he reads  very carefully and in a subdued way from a prepared statement, do you think he's being sincere?  I sure don't!  I heard what he said on NPR and immediately knew that what he was saying was not donald trump speaking.  he was very quiet.  When I looked up a Washington Post article this morning, i was not surprised to find that he had "read carefully from prepared remarks decrying bigotry and specifically condemning a wave of recent threats against Jewish centers across the country."   The article further reported that trump was "[s]canning the piece of paper with his finger as he read .....“This tour was a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.  The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.”".   

Without something to read in his hands, this guy has been combative and dismissive when confronted with evidence and questions about his relations with various minority groups.  Besides the aforementioned slight to the Jewish reporter last Thursday, he also "dismissed questions from reporters about his outreach to African American political leaders in Washington".


This is the same guy that lied about knowing who david duke is during his campaign last spring.  This is the guy who claimed he didn't know what the stance and ideology of the kkk is during his campaign last spring.  This is the guy who brought goebbels-bannon into his campaign i last summer and then gave him extreme overreaching powers in his administration.  By the way, for those of you who do not know who goebbels-bannon is and about him (although at this point that would be hard to believe), this guy is vocally supported by the kkk and the american nazi party and is a self proclaimed Leninist who has been quoted as saying, “Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too.  I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

I searched for history of trump being anti-Semitic and bigotted in other ways.  Here are some results:

“I know why you’re not going to support me. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money …Look, I’m a negotiator like you folks, we’re negotiators.” (at a Repbulican Jewish Coalition meeting in the summer of 2016)
 “I want to thank my Jewish daughter. I have a Jewish daughter…This wasn’t in the plan but I’m very glad it happened.”(The Algemeiner’s ‘Jewish 100′ at Capitale. Feb. 2015.)  On the face of it, this may not seem anti-Semitic, but why does he need to make a point of saying his daughter is Jewish and married someone who is Jewish, and what about the part that says "this wasn't the plan"?

“I promise you that I’m much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz - I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated.” (A tweet about Jon Stewart in April 2013.)

“If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them… My friend Marty Davis from Paramount gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (Trump’s response in a 1990 profile on whether he read Hitler’s writings.)  By the way, Davis is not Jewish

How about this one, after Hillary Clinton was nominated to run for President (note the Jewish Star of David).  This really bothered me, down in my gut.


In the following link from Fortune  there is way to much information to place in this post, but if you really need to see evidence of a life long history of bigotry, have at it:


So, as they used to said on the old T.V. show To Tell the Truth "will the real donald trump please stand up".  I know which one it is!

Back to the present, puppet-spicer took exception to being asked about trump's slow response on concerns about anti-Semitism and racism yesterday. Defending trump, he said, "I think it’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this, that it’s never good enough."  Huhhhhhhhhh?

Jesse Jackson said, of trump's visit to the African American Museum, “I think it was a good symbolic gesture, but we need something of substance. There’s been no communication on things that matter to us.”
My thinking, regarding trump's comments on anti-Semitism are that words don't mean a damn thing, especially from him, on this subject.  If he wants to be taken seriously, then he needs to say publicly and loudly that anyone found making anti-Semitic or racist terrorist threats or committing the same will be prosecuted to the full letter of the law.  No ifs, ands, or buts!

Lastly I will say this.  trump also needs to visit the Holocaust Museum and the native American Museum.  These two museums left me emotionally drained when I toured them.  The tickets to the African American Museum have been sold out since opening day, but I can't wait to visit it and learn more about human resilience in the face of human cruelty.

Tuesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer dismissed the idea that Trump has been slow to address anti-Semitism and racism.
“I think it’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this, that it’s never good enough,” Spicer said.

“I think it was a good symbolic gesture, but we need something of substance,” civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said of Trump’s museum visit, naming issues such as voting rights, unemployment and urban renewal. “There’s been no communication on things that matter to us.”


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Does McMaster Have the Guts to Remove bannon from NSC?

"Woke up, got outta bed, dragged a comb across my head........"  listened to the news and learned that trump has selected a new National Security Adviser;  H.R. McMaster.  McMaster is currently a three star general.  NPR reports that he has broad based support (I suppose that means bi-partisan).  He will head up the NSC (National Security Council).  The first thought that ran through my head was, will this guy have the cojones to remove goebbels-bannon from the NSC.  Not just off of the Principals Committee and not just disbanding the newly formed Strategic Initiatives Group within the NSC which is headed by goebbels-bannon, but remove him altogether.  So of course, when I powered up my computer at work, I immediately searched for "McMaster on bannon".  Of course many articles popped up.

The result that matched my query best, was from The Washington Times, of which I am no fan.  Over the years, this has been a Republican rag, no better than fox news.  Maybe even a little worse.  I was pleased with the content:

"Former Obama national security adviser Susan E. Rice on Monday urged her new counterpart in the Trump White House, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, to get rid of a national security wing led by presidential strategist Stephen Bannon.

“Hope you will be able to choose your team, have direct reporting and daily access to POTUS, and can eliminate Strategic Initiatives Group,” Ms. Rice wrote in a congratulatory note to Lt. Gen. McMaster on Twitter.

The Strategic Initiatives Group is a layer of the White House National Security Council that’s led by
 [ ]  [b]annon."

The remainder of the article was only a few more sentences and simply discussed McMaster's appointment by trump and a very brief overview of his credentials.  The Washington Times may not have meant to support the removal of goebbels-bannon from the NCS.  The reference to Susan Rice, may have been made knowing that their readership would find her as a source for such a call to be reason for goebbels-bannon to remain.  But they sure didn't make it sound that way.  Maybe The Washington Times  is not happy with trump et.al. either.  Maybe they are not happy with goebbels-bannon.  I certainly don't know, but I appreciated the information and it was the only result that presented this nice little tid bit.

Next I read a new York Times (NYT) article.  I learned that McMaster will remain on active duty.  This will become an interesting piece of information later on in this post.  When announcing McMaster's appointment to reporters, trump said, “He’s a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience".  That's all well and good, but what about what is obviously a missing key ingredient in much of the trump administration, integrity?!?  The report in the NYT noted that "a senior administration official who insisted on anonymity" said that "General McMaster had the aura of disruption that Mr. Trump has valued in several cabinet secretaries".  This is bothersome to me.  Change can be ok, but disruption has a negative connotation.  Who was the "senior administration official [that] insisted on anonymity"?  Hey........maybe, maybe it was gobbels-bannon who once said, “Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too.”  Hmmmmmmmm!!??!!

General McMaster said to trump publicly, after the announcement was made that, “I’m grateful to you for that opportunity, and I look forward to joining the national security team and doing everything that I can to advance and protect the interests of the American people.”  What he "can" do may be limited by trump, rather than having the ability to run the NSC as he might want to.  


Why's that Bill?  Funny you should ask.  As soon as I read that McMaster was going to remain on active duty, it occurred to me that as commander in chief, trump will have more power over McMaster than if he were a private citizen.  In my readings, the only article that spoke to this issue was, surprisingly, The Guardian a British publication.  The Guardian article pointed out that, "At least one other candidate for the job, McMaster’s ally David Petraeus, dropped out of the running after insisting on the independence to select his own staff.  

It continued  by saying:

"[O]ne of McMaster’s friends, Petraeus’ former executive officer Pete Mansoor, said that as a serving military officer, McMaster was not in a position to attach many preconditions to his service.  "I don’t know if there were any conditions attached or not, but someone serving in uniform obviously has less leverage over a president than a retiree who can say no and get on with his life,”"  Mansoor is  a retired army colonel who teaches military history at the Ohio State University.  Mansoor also pointed out that,  “[h]e will do a fantastic job as national security adviser given the constraints under which he’ll have to operate. There’s obviously an alternative center of foreign-policy and national security decision-making in the White House in the form of [s]teve [b]annon’s Strategic Initiatives Group,”  referring to a new and parallel White House power center that NSC officials are concerned about.

A small bright ray of hope for us comes from both Mansoor and John McCain.  Mansoor's words seem to be genuine and has no political or professional stake, so to me he is trustworthy.  I also have some trust for McCain  due to his opposition  to much of what trump has done.  MaCain tweeted:

John McCain

Lt Gen HR McMaster is outstanding choice for nat'l security advisor - man of genuine intellect, character & ability http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=22A583B0-4B7A-417A-BE94-C70D54FE0B26 …

The small ray of sunshine for me from McCain is that he believes McMaster is a "man of genuine ...... character"   Let's hope that character equals integrity.

Monday, February 20, 2017

What do Sweden, Bowling Green Kentucky and Atlanta Have in Common

........... none have had a recent terrorist attack?!?!!

During a speech at a campaign style rally on Saturday, 2/18, in Florida, trump was at it again.  Whooping up fear in order to justify his attempt at a travel and refugee ban.  He clearly said, "look at what’s happening last night in Sweden.”   Ok........I'm looking.  Lots of other people are looking.  heck, the Swedish people in Sweden are looking.  Anything going on?

The Swedish tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet listed in English some events that  happened Friday in Sweden, including police chasing a drunken driver and a Swedish singer having technical problems during rehearsals for a singing competition.  Whewwww!  Wow!!!!!!!  That's "what [was] happening [Friday] night in Sweden"

Now look, you and I and everyone else reading this post as well as millions of people around our planet know what trump's implication was.  We also know that because he didn't directly and explicitly say there was a terrorist attack in Sweden on Friday night that he will not admit that that is what he meant. 

I started writing this post on Sunday afternoon and now I'm continuing on Monday morning.  Big developments overnight!!!!!!!  trump (goebbels-bannon) came up with an excuse.  It took them approximately 24 hours to come up with it, but they sculpted the horse crap into ........ something.  Late Sunday afternoon, trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump

My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.
4:57 PM - 19 Feb 2017

Here's the first clue that someone other than trump wrote this tweet.  trump lacks the ability to insert an explanatory phrase inside of a sentence, re: "as to what's happening in Sweden", although he did fail to place a coma at both ends of the inserted phrase.  One should also note that this is a slow response time which definitely points to a story being fabricated.  Yesterday I noted that it took puppet-spicer eight minutes to respond via twitter to a tweet from a journalist at the New York Times.

Major Garrett

News: Am told by two people familiar with the matter that Navy Secretary nominee Philip Bilden is likely to withdraw - cld b this weekend.
11:40 AM - 18 Feb 2017

Sean Spicer

Those people would be wrong. Just spoke with him and he is 100% commited to being the next SECNAV pending Senate confirm. https://twitter.com/majorcbs/status/832993108589686784 …
11:48 AM - 18 Feb 2017

I'm getting to a place where I really want to use particular 'explatives', but I'm 'deleting' them from my posts as much as possible while still staying true to myself.  What a bunch of horse s#@t!!!!!  he said what he meant and he meant what he said.  The question becomes is he really that stupid or is he intentionally attempting to create chaos.  It really doesn't matter which one it is, either one is not the mark of a leader, rather it is the mark of d.j[ackass].
The fox news article trump referred to reported that “Sweden had its first terrorist Islamic attack not that long ago, so they’re now getting a taste of what we’ve been seeing across Europe already,”

The last time Sweden had a terrorist act was in 2010.  It was carried out by an Iraqi-born Swedish citizen in Stockholm.  This occurred  a year before civil wars began in Syria and Libya and before millions from the  Middle East fled from the region.  A  report in The Guardian, a well respected British news publication, noted that "[c]rime rates in Sweden have changed little over the last 10 years, according to the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey."
While reading this article in The Guardian I noted that the Swedish foreign ministry is looking for answers:

" “We have asked the question today to the state department. We are trying to get clarity,” said the Swedish foreign ministry spokeswoman Catarina Axelsson."

Further consternation with trump's administration is coming directly from Sweden's Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom.  She tweeted, after the incident, that  "Oxford Dictionaries appointed ' post truth ' to this year's words in 2016."

She also tweeted an excerpt of a speech she gave in parliament last week.

“Both functioning democracy and constructive cooperation between states require us to speak with, and not about, each other, to honour agreements and to allow ideas to compete.  They also require us to respect science, facts and the media, and to acknowledge each other’s wisdom.”
Carl Bildt, a former Prime Minister for Sweden tweeted:

Carl BildtVerified account‏@carlbildt

Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.

It's been four weeks and this is the third allusion to a non-existent terrorist attack  Earlier this month  puppet-spicer repeatedly alluded to an attack in Atlanta by an overseas terrorist.  After making the assertion three times in a week.   he 'corrected' himself, by saying he meant the shooting in Orlando this past summer at a gay nightclub.  The last time there was a terrorist attack in Atlanta was 21 years ago, during the Olympics.  That bombing was carried out by Eric Robert a radical right wing terrorist from Florida.

Of course we are all aware of gobbels-conway's infamous reference to the "Bowling Green Masecre".  And now trumpy-boy wanted to have some fun too.

Well, as I've said to many friends, this is all good comedy until something bad happens.  So let's enjoy the laughs while we can.  Oh..... By the way, speaking of comedy.........

MT @DougallChops: BREAKING NEWS. Swedish police released picture of man sought for terror attack 

9:13 AM - 19 Feb 2017