Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who Loans Money to trump?

In a continuing effort to understand what appears to be an overly "chummy" relationship with Russia I'm attempting to "follow the money".  I do not have the financial or time resources to conduct this kind of investigation on my own, so I need to rely on what I believe to be credible news sources to supply me with the information.  For the most part, I am quickly hitting dead ends, but I am able to piece together a little bit of a credible trail.

In a Washington Post article by Phillip Blump, dated July 27, 2016, I found the following trump tweet:

For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia.

Reading this tweet easily made me think that he his clumsily trying to perform a "watch this hand" magic trick.  OK, so he doesn't have any "investments" in Russia.  My question is, does Russia have "investments" in trump?

I found an Op-Ed from the Los Angeles Times, By Max Boot dated July 25, 2016. Boot is an author, consultant, editorialist, lecturer, military historian, and a republican. He is also the Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. He wrote the following:
“The Trump-Russia links beneath the surface are even more extensive ...... [t]rump has sought and received funding from Russian investors for his business ventures, especially after most American banks stopped lending to him following his multiple bankruptcies.”
Still, I wasn't even close to believing that I had found, at least, a smoking gun.  This was an Op-Ed article and offered me no clear, solid proof that Russian companies, individuals, banks had lent money to or invested in trump.  I kept looking.  I found a Time magazine article dated August 2, 2016 by Jeff Nesbit.  In this article Nesbit reported:

".....[the] Washington Post reported [in an article by Tom Hamburger on June 17, 2016]: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” [t]rump’s son, [d]onald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews."

This was as close as I was going to get to a smoking gun.  It went off eight years ago, but there's still enough smoke for me, trump jr. saying that "money [was] pouring in[to trump's companies] from Russia"  This indicates to me that trump and his companies have a tremendous obligation to Russians, in some form. 

To date, trump has still not revealed, released his tax returns for review by the American people.  There is no law that he must do so, but going forward it needs to become law that any individual running for President must release his tax returns for public scrutiny.  By not releasing his returns, trump is bucking a long standing precedent and tradition.  The election is over.  trump does not need to worry, he will become the next head administrator of the the administrative branch of the U.S. government (I will no longer refer to trump as President, he is simply an 'admin')

If trump continues with the reasoning that he will not release his tax returns because he is still under audit from the IRS, then the IRS needs to focus resources on trump's taxes and finish the audit.  All reasons for trump not releasing his tax returns must be stripped, so that when he refuses, he is seen in a clear light by all Americans.

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