Sunday, December 11, 2016

Never Forget

November 9th, 2016 was a somber day.  In fact, what I experienced at my work place and even in my republican dominated small town (very republican) was an eerie silence.  My son, reported the same experience from D.C. where he goes to school at George Washington University, four blocks from the White House.  I had experienced that type of silence one other time in my adulthood and once in my childhood.  The experience in my childhood was November of 1963, when I was not quite eight years old and I was in third grade.  It was the day after President Kennedy's assassination.  It is a vague memory, but while writing about it now, the feeling and the memory of that day as well as President Kennedy's funeral procession in D.C. are coming back to me strongly.

My experience in adulthood was on September 11th, 2001 ( I really do not like referring to this day as 911, I feel it diminishes the gravity of what occurred on that date).  The rest of that day and for the next few days after had, again, an eerie silence.  A large amount of the daily background noise had stopped due to all aircraft being grounded, but it was more than that.  I felt like we Americans were experiencing a collective shock.  I do not believe I can describe the feel of those days after the horror of the attack on the World Trade Center buildings and on the Pentagon.  I believe we all had a heightened sense of empathy for all of the people that died that day; jumping out of windows, burning to death, crashing into the buildings and into the farm land outside of Pittsburgh; the chaos on the planes, especially the flight where the passengers obviously fought back against the hijackers, that crashed in western Pennsylvania.

From the shock of September 11th, rose the collective cry; "never forget".

Now we come to the date, November 8th, 2016.  First, I want to note that my heart was set on Hillary Clinton to be elected as the next President of our country.  Not only because I believed in the policies that she had clearly spelled out during the campaign, but also because I could not imagine the horrors that would most likely occur in a trump administration law in our country.  trump has a long history of obvious, documented, disregard of laws when it pertains to whatever he wants to do.  Laws simply don't apply to trump.  I make it a point to recognize reality and to this point in time that has been reality as far as trump's behavior is concerned.

trump is surrounding himself with 'yes' people.  Whatever he wants to hear, he will hear it from these people.  steve bannon (chief whitehouse strategist); bigotry and hate.  jeff sessions (attorney general); bigotry and hate.  scott pruit (environmental PROTECTION agency); a person who currently has a suite filed against the agency he has been nominated to run.  michael flynn (national security advisor); panders in fake news to feed the sheep.

My biggest concern is steve bannon.  As I have pointed out in a previous posting, this guy is vocally supported by the kkk & the american nazi party.  These groups would not support & endorse bannon if his philosophies did not align with theirs'.  bannon is a self described Leninist and is on record as saying "I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment”.  I don't know about you, but this scares the hell out of me.  I do not believe I am over reaching when I say that between trump, bannon and jeff sessions, this country could easily experience what Germany did under hitler.

In order to limit trump's & bannon's ability to degrade our country's moral high ground, which will cause real human suffering for millions of people, we must constantly protest in visible ways so that the media will have no choice but to report on the protests, which in turn will place pressure on Congress .  We must also lean heavily on our legislators to obstruct the trump/bannon agenda.  I believe that for the most part the member's of Congress are decent men & women who have differing views on how to run our country.  I do not believe that these decent people have the evil goals that trump, bannon, sessions, the kkk and the american nazi party have.  Although many of us do not agree with many members of Congress, we are depending on all decent members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, to be a firewall against trump and his obviously evil agenda.

So.......just as with September 11th, 2001, November 8th, 2016 is a date that we must make sure to "never forget"! Never forget to protest.  Never forget to write to your legislators.  Never forget to keep the pressure on trump and OUR Congress.  NEVER FORGET !

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