Friday, December 16, 2016

December 15, 2016 ..... A Non-Momentous & Complex Day

Whew, we got through it ........ the non-press conference.  I had been looking forward to December 15th with great anticipation.  donald trump had scheduled a press conference, along with his adult children, to announce how he was going to resolve the obvious conflicts of interest he would have between his business interests and the interests of The United States of America.  I just couldn't wait to hear what kind of horse sh~t would come out of his mouth this time.  Alas, it did not take place.  But why?  Here he is, and always has been, 'the man with the plan', so what prevented him from following through on his public pronouncement to do so?  On November 30th, in a series of four tweets, trump wrote:

"[i] will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that [i] will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!  While [i]'m not mandated to do this under the law, [i] feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses.  Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations.  The Presidency is a far more important task!"

Before I continue to explore what may have caused the cancellation of such an important announcement (even though the above, sent signals that it was pure bull), I want to expose the crap in this statement.

In the first long winded sentence (with a lack of punctuation, I might add), trump notes that it is a "fact" that he will be "leaving [his] ..... business in total....".  In the third sentence, he goes on to say that "legal documents"  were being drawn up that would "take [him] completely out of business operations".  Now he may think that a large number of Americans are stupid and don't understand the English language and logic, but I'm here to tell you that these two pronouncements do not agree with each other.  Not being involved in "business operations" still leaves the door open for maintaining  financial interests in his businesses.  Maintaining financial interests means he is not "leaving" his businesses.  (By the way, here is a person who claims to be smart, has multiple businesses which are each separate legal entities and he labels them incorrectly as "business" rather than businesses).

his next error is that he maintains that America needs to be "great again".  As I pointed out in my post, yesterday, 'America is Already Great'.  You can't make something "great again" that is already great.  That's like saying you're going to make chartreuse, chartreuse again, or an existing table into a table again.  In fact you can make an existing table into a table again, but you would have to dismantle the table and put it back together again.  Our country is already great and does not need to be dismantled and put back together again.

A third problem is that he claims it is "visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with [his] various businesses".  No, it is flat out important that the path to conflict of interest between any President's personal business dealings and the business of our country be completely severed, period!  To have something "visually" appear a certain way is an attempt at manipulation.  It is clear that manipulation is an attempt to 'have your cake and eat it too'.  Appearing like he has no interest in his businesses is not the same as having no interest in his businesses.

Lastly, it is important that the President of our country is in office to take on an extremely hard job.  Most people feel the Presidency is the hardest job in our country and on this planet.  The "Presidency" is not a "task".  Even putting the word "important" in front of the word "task" and ending the statement with an exclamation mark, does not communicate the gravity of the President's job.  This guy has revealed himself.  he feels like the presidency is a "task".

So, why did this momentous press conference not take place.  Press conferences are unpredictable.  Just because the opening statements by the person holding the press conference are about a certain subject, doesn't obligate the members of the press to ask questions only about that subject.  Here are some questions that trump most likely wants to avoid:

    - Why do your children need any security clearance, much less the highest level of security clearances?
         - a follow up question would be, 'if your children will be running your businesses, do you not see the conflict of interest that will still exist?'

    - Even if ivanca trump takes a leave of absence from trump's businesses,, why should she have security clearance, she will not be a Federal employee?

    - If you do not divest yourself of all financial interest in all of your businesses, or even if you do,  and hand operational control over to your children, how will you provide transparency regarding any and all conversations you have with your children?

    - Given what the CIA has determined about Russia's role in this past election and the fact that many high ranking republicans in Congress are calling for investigative hearings into those findings, why are you claiming that you do not believe the CIA's determination?
         - (NOTE - I believe that this question is the real reason the press conference was cancelled.  Electors in the Electoral College are not bound to vote in any other way than to vote their conscience.  Not that trump won't be elected President on December 19, 2016, it's just that trump doesn't want the vote to be anything other than what he expects).

These are just questions I would wanted to have asked, if there were a press conference yesterday.  Ahhhhh, but alas, it did not come to pass.

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