Friday, December 30, 2016

House Keeping

I want to touch base on a few different fronts today, rather than my usual focus on one subject.  Some of the items are regarding adjustments for going forward with this blog and others in reference to what I believe we need to watch for in the upcoming administration.

I will still be posting every day.  Due to advice from a trusted adviser, my son, I will not be sending out a notification for each day's posting.  He suggested that I may very well be alienating readers (pissing them off) rather than expanding the readership.  In light of this good advice, I plan to make one notification per week, on Sundays.  Each Sunday's email will list the titles of the past week's posts from Monday up to and including the Sunday that the email is sent on.  Of course I want to make 'friends', not 'enemies'.  The only request I have of you, the reader, is to help increase the readership each week, by sharing this blog with your friends, and asking your friends to do the same.  I will continue to place the title of each post on my Facebook page along with the address, on a daily basis.  I have also decided to stop tweeting, but will continue to monitor twitter to know what the idiot has to say, with the full understanding that he uses it to distract from what he is really doing.

This will be my last post of 2016.  I will resume posting on Monday 1/2/2017.

Now for the major house keeping.  Throughout the over fifty posts I have already made to this blog, I have identified major issues that need to be watched by all of us.  We are the watch dogs.  We need to keep our eyes and ears alert for the following concerns, but not limited to these concerns.  We need to use our noses and sniff out bad smelling shit.

    - steve bannon - We must, I repeat must watch bannon at all times.  He may be a plant, to have us keep our eyes on him while the idiot does other things, but bannon is way to dangerous to not be watched.  We must continually write news outlets to demand and remind them to assign a dedicated resource to bannon.  If the press is looking for profit with exciting stories, bannon fills that bill.

   - Congress - We must ramp up the quantity of communications that all representatives receive.  For the most part, members of the House and the Senate only pay attention to their constituents, so deluge your Representative and Senators with phone calls, emails and most importantly hard copy mail.  It is my understanding that Congressional representatives pay the greatest attention to hard copy mail.  They appreciate that the author is truly concerned because it is the most time consuming form of communication, other than scheduling a meeting with your Rep or Senator.  If you are concerned about any legislation, especially that which trump proposes, speak up loud and speak up often.

   - Keep an eye on the following:  the environment, women's issues, human rights issues, healthcare issues, immigration issues, nuclear weapons issues, clean power issues, dirty power issues, attempts at dismantling important agencies, trump's conflict of interest issues, nepotism issues,  any illegal activity that can be cited for the purpose of impeaching trump.  I'm sure there are other issues, that I am not seeing at this moment, but as a friend of mine always says to me "it's a good start"

We are our country and our government.  Do not allow anyone to take it away from us.  When there is an intruder, do what watch dogs do; bark real loud and if necessary, find some way to bite.

Wishing all of you a Happy New Year.  We can make 2017 a good year!

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