Friday, December 2, 2016

A personal note

Dear Reader,

I'm using today's post to step back, for a moment; to ask all of you for help.  America's people are sharply divided.  The boil in the American body has risen to the surface and must be lanced.  The lance could very well be wielded by a bigoted and violent portion of our population.  We, the majority who do not share that hatred, need to, must, bind together as one if we are to stand a chance of saving the beautiful country that we have inherited, helped to build and have it continue on the path to a "more perfect union".

I am very thankful to the core readership that this blog has gained over its first few weeks.  Now, I am asking you to help this blog reach more people, more minds.  I do not delude myself into thinking thinking that what I write will have some large over-arching effect, but my goal is to have as many people as possible read this daily blog in the hope that it will help foster the conversation that must be had and the solidarity of purpose that must occur if we are to be successful in resisting, stopping, what trump has planned and already set into motion.

As yesterday's post pointed out, the newly created position of chief white house strategist has been assigned to steve bannon.  bannon is vocally suppported by nazis and the kkk.  This is a person who will be speaking directly to trump and whose job it will be to formulate strategies for placing policies in motion.  As I researched bannon, my mind easily saw a nazi regime forming, Germany in the 1930's all over again, the fourth reich.   In Germany in the 1930's, there were voices that recognized and spoke against the abhorrent society that was being built and were met with dismissal & derision.  I expect the same reaction to what I am writing. I expect people to say 'oh don't be silly, you're crazy, you're an alarmist'.  Well, I don't think that I'm any of those things.  I have a firm grip on reality and the reality I see, if those of us who are sane and moral do not act in concert, is precisely that; a nazi regime.  The only differences are that America has a solid constitution guiding us and that we are the strongest country on the planet.  The constitution may save us, the strength of our country in the wrong hands can certainly destroy us.

PLEASE, share this blog with all of your "friends" on social media, ask them to do the same, and so on.  Also, PLEASE comment on postings.  A conversation needs to be had.   If we act as one, we may not stop all of the immorality that is being planned by trump and bannon,, but "we must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately" (Benjamin Franklin).  If we do not 'hang together', our fates will be catastrophic.

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Bill, check out a video I shared on my Facebook page recently. A short but information filled history of the rise of Hitler. I share your concern about an authoritarian gov built on hatred. And at the same time wonder if I am being ruled by fear in forming such an opinion. Perhaps the mechanisms built into our gov to check power will work. But I prefer to be mentally prepared for the extreme to occur.
