Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 19, 2016 ...... A Momentous Day in America

On Monday, two days from today, December 19, 2016, the Electors of the Electoral College will gather in each state's capitol to vote for The President of the United States.  The Electors are bound by no law to vote for any particular candidate.  They are free to vote their conscience.

As much as I would like to hope that these people will envision the obvious results of electing trump as our next President; the moral bankruptcy of trump and his mouth piece steve bannon who is vocally and loudly supported by the kkk and the american nazi party; I believe that the result of The Electoral College will be a rubber stamp for trump.  This last sentence was very difficult to write.  I and millions of other Americans do not want this to be the outcome.  In fact (and it is simply that, a fact), the majority of Americans do not want this outcome.  We, as a nation, voted for Hilary Clinton, when looked at through the lens of  'one person, one vote'.

I support our Constitution.  Our constitution was deigned to be a living document, that can be changed through the process of amendment.  The outcome of Monday's Electoral College vote may be the impetus we need, as moral and thoughtful Americans, to push for the dissolution of the Electoral College, in order to have a truly representative Democracy.  The states are not voting for the President of the United States, 'We The People' are.

On Monday, at every state capitol in the country, there are events, gatherings, planned to coincide with when the Electors will be meeting to vote.  I, unfortunately just found about all of these events, this morning.  I immediately re-arranged my schedule, and will be attending the event in Harrisburg, PA.  I say unfortunately, because, had I known earlier, I would have alerted all those that read this blog in a more timely way.  I am providing a link, below, that when clicked on will show a list of links for the events in each state.  If you can find a way to attend, please do so.

The stated purpose of these events is to attempt to have The Electors not vote for trump.  If bringing this pressure to bear achieves this goal, it would be one of the, if not the, most magnificent events in my life time.  BUT, if this goal is not achieved, the gatherings at each state capitol will still be the continued voices of protest that must continue in a consistent, vocal, non-violent way, until trump is no longer President.  Whether that be by the four year term running its course, impeachment by The House of Representatives followed by his resignation or being found guilty of criminal activity by the Senate, or by some other means, protest must continue.  Our country cannot afford to allow trump's sociopathic mindset be translated into law.  We are the only firewall that we can count on.  The Congress certainly has the ability to be a firewall, and The Supreme Court in a more limited way, but when it comes down to 'brass tacks', We The People, need to fight for the Democracy that we have inherited.

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