Wednesday, December 21, 2016

An Open and Sent Letter to Senator Charles "Chuck" Schumer

Dear Senator Schumer,

I am not a constituent of yours, at least not directly.  In a broader sense, though, I am.  You have taken on a tremendous responsibility as Senate Minority Leader.  You now have the duty to conduct yourself as a leader for all Americans and as such I am a constituent of yours, one of tens of millions.  I believe that you are an honorable, decent and moral man.

When donald trump assumes the office of President, your job, moving forward, may prove to be one of the most difficult in the history of your position, the Senate, indeed our country.  You will be the bulwark, the firewall, the point person for stopping what is now the possibility of our country repeating the mistakes of Germany in the 1930s.   I am confident that you know that steve bannon proclaims himself as a Leninist.  I am equally as sure that you know that the kkk and the american nazi party are loud vocal supporters of bannon.  Of course, these two groups would not endorse bannon and therefore trump unless his philosophies did not align with those of these two groups.  This, in and of itself, is reason enough to resist trump and any part of his agenda that your moral compass finds to be unacceptable.

Do not buy any of the effluent that trump espouses to be his agenda.  By definition, trump is both a narcissist and a sociopath.  trump's only goal is his own aggrandizement.  The fact, and it is fact, that he has latched onto the kkk and the american nazi party to, via steve bannon, be his vehicle to that goal  Because he is a sociopath and does not know right from wrong, he thinks that fame and infamy are the same thing.  trump will be seen by historians, well into the future as being infamous.

Obstruction is the path that you must walk on.  except for funding the government, Congress's task must be to block any legislation that is immoral, will lead to immorality or will dismantle agencies whose job it is to protect Americans, in fact in many ways, the people of this planet.  Morality is a subjective notion, but I believe that members of Congress, Democrat and Republican alike, can find common ground on its definition and identify trump's moral bankruptcy.

Place your voice in the ears of members of the Republican party in Congress.  Repeat over and over again, to them that they must work with you in a bi-partisan way to stop trump and bannon from dismantling OUR
government.  Let them know, help them to understand that to take apart our government, to weaken our government, opens the door for a regime that looks a great deal like hitler's.  Remind them of the similarities between the 'brown shirts' in hitler's Germany and the thugs that trump vocally endorsed when they committed violent acts at his campaign rallies.  his public announcements that he would pay their legal fees if arrested.  These incidents were only a glimpse of what can and may happen during a trump Presidency.

Do not let up.  Do not acquiesce.  Do not appease.  We, your constituents want nothing else from you, as long as trump heads the administrative branch of OUR government which is "of the people, by the people, for the people [and] shall not perish from this Earth".

May God bless you.  Respectfully,

William R. Sherman

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