Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Being a Responsible American Citizen

Late week, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) presented a report to law makers that Russia manipulated the release of hacked emails with the primary intention of helping trump become President.  The CIA noted that emails from both campaigns had been hacked, but only emails regarding Hillary Clinton were leaked by Russia.  This, of course, raises concerns for any responsible and reasonable (r & r) citizen of our country, and that concern is, if this is so, what can we, as a nation, do to prevent this in future elections.  So let's see who's responsible and reasonable!

Members of the Senate; are they r & r?  

Mitch McConnell seems to be.  I have no love for Mitch McConnel, but when someone does the right thing, I'll recognize it as the right thing.  Yesterday, McConnell admonished some Republican law makers who "are reluctant to either review Russian tactics or [willing to] ignore them."  He went on to say  "The Russians are not our friends".  I am all for all humans on earth living in peace with each other, but as long as we are divided into separate countries, I have an issue with another country attempting to manipulate the free elections of another country.  In this case, I agree w/McConnell,  "The Russians are not our friends".

Senators Lindsey Grahm and John McCain, both republicans have joined Senators Jack Reed and Charles Schumer, both Democrats, in calling for a bipartisan probe into the allegations that Russia interfered in the U.S. election process.  McCain is the current chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Reed is the ranking Democrat on that same committee and Schumer is the incoming Senate Minority Leader.  All highly respected legislators.

Members of the Electoral College, are they r & r?

Ten Electors (nine Democrats and one Republican) have requested an intelligence briefing on the subject in an open letter to National Intelligence Director James Clapper.  This link will take you to the letter which is extensive and clearly sites Constitutional reasons for the request as well as reference to the always highly regarded Federalist Papers.  The letter is too long to place in this posting, but I strongly endorse reading it.

donald trump, is he r & r?

It should come as absolutely no surprise that trump is not reasonable and therefore not responsible.  his focus is on himself and not the integrity of future elections in our country.  In a FOX television network interview on Sunday, 12/11, trump made the following comments: “I think it’s ridiculous. I think it’s just another excuse. I don’t believe it,” and that he won by a "massive landslide". 

trump continues to reveal his self as not fit to lead our country.  If the President of the United States (which trump is not as of this writing) is not concerned about the integrity of our electoral process; cannot see the writing on the wall; cannot even bring his or her self to keep an open mind, then in this writer's humble opinion, that person is not qualified to hold the office of President of our country.  trump fits this description of a person who is not fit to lead us.

- trump = nonsense / "massive landslide" = “I think it’s ridiculous. I think it’s just another excuse. I don’t believe it,” Mr. Trump said on Sunday in an interview on Fox News. 

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