Saturday, December 10, 2016

tongue in cheek (lol)

Breaking news!  Close observations by concerned citizens, report what appears to be nefarious activity at the Stage Star Deli on West 55th street, a few blocks from trump tower, in Manhattan.  steve bannon has been frequenting the deli for the past four to five months, since becoming officially associated with the trump campaign and since the election, as the nominee for the position of chief white house strategist.  he has been observed on many occasions, chatting with different young adolescent males who came into the deli accompanied by the same unknown male each time.  After talking with these boys, the boy, on each occasion has gone down the stairs to the basement, where the rest rooms are located.  bannon always has gone down the same stairs shortly after.  Both did not return back up the stairs for time periods ranging from fifteen to thirty minutes, bannon always returning first, followed by the boy about five minutes later.  bannon always returned looking very disheveled and out of breath.  The boy, each time, returned looking scared and left the deli immediately.  The conclusion reached by the persons making the observations, was that bannon seems to have a sexual interest in boys between the ages of ten and thirteen years of age, and has arranged for the unknown male to traffic boys to the deli for bannon to have sex with.

I leave it to you the reader to decide what you will.

Now, this is obviously my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek.  I know that you, the reader is not fooled by this crap.  So if this is obviously fake news, and you immediately knew that it was, why does the nominee for national security adviser not know horseshit when he sees it.  lieutenant general michael flynn has pandered in this type of fake news, along with his son, "throughout the presidential campaign" per a New York Times report. But wait, I don't want you to blindly believe a well respected newspaper that, as a standard operating procedure, makes sure that what they publish is firmly grounded in fact. I will gladly print an example of a tweet from flynn (please note that I attempted to copy the image of the tweet, so there would be no doubt, but was unable to):

"@ GenFlynn Nov 2
U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on NEW Hillary EMAILS: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc ... MUST READ!"

Go ahead, click on the link.  It takes a little bit of time to come up, but there it is the fake crap that flynn is chewing on.

flynn's son became the fall guy and was 'fired' ("you're fired" ala trump) from the transition staff.  So, what we have here is an idiot who involves himself with fake news as our country's National Security Adviser.  This guy is either stupid or a true and complete ass.  Either way, that's not ok for a person holding this highly important and sensitive position.

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