Sunday, December 18, 2016

America and Peaceful Transfer of Power

As of this post, donald trump is a private citizen.  he hasn't even been truly elected as president of our country per the U.S. Constitution.  Sadly, that will happen tomorrow.  I have made a point of not reacting to news with this blog.  I have taken time to think events through and respond, not react.  This morning is half and half.  I have already written a post regarding trump's illegal actions around communicating with foreign leaders and making foreign policy declarations.  The law that he has broken is long standing, since 1799; known as The Logan Act.

While driving to work this morning, I was listening to National Public radio (NPR) and heard that China has seized a U.S. underwater drone off the coast of the Philippines.  The given reason was that China is keeping shipping channels safe.  I am a firm believer in differentiating cause and effect from contiguity (events occurring close together in time and space, but not related to one another).  So, in fairness,  it is unclear if this event is directly related to trump's phone call with Taiwan's president, his subsequent denouncement of the "One China Policy" and his criticism of the man made island air bases that China has been building in the South China Sea, or if it is just many events that seem to be related, but are not.  Me, I'm choosing cause and effect.  This drone (and it is fair to assume that there are others) did not just appear in the South China Sea.  I feel like I'm on solid ground when i write that China has been aware of these drones way before trump opened his mouth.  So the question becomes, 'why now'?

One of the great things about our system of government is the peaceful transition of power.  It has been clear, since The Logan Act, that no private citizen may speak for the United States without proper authorization.  In my life time of sixty one years, I have been aware of the news since approximately nine years of age.  I have no recollection of a President Elect interfering in foreign affairs.  What we are now seeing is exactly why this standard has always been observed.  Tensions between our current administration and the planet's other large power now exist.  This should not and would not be an issue that our current government would need to address if it were not for trump's illegal interference.  The reasons for impeachment continue to grow.

Fortunately, we have competent diplomats, and the issue has already been resolved.  The only thing that remains is for the U.S. and China to work out the logistics of how, where and when the transfer of this drone, back into U.S. 'hands', will take place.

trump simply can't keep his mouth shut.  he so much wants the adulation and adoration  of large groups of people that he spews crap out of his mouth with the obvious intent (consciously or sub-consciously) of hearing his supporters scream approval.  he knows which 'buttons' to push to obtain these results.  I have to tell you, I think he is not conscious of this drive, which is even more frightening then if he was aware of it.  I don't know about you, but I don't want someone leading our country who is not in touch with his motivations for the actions she or he takes.

To cause havoc in international affairs prior to taking office, trump has found a way to challenge the peaceful transfer of power.  he is attempting to take control, to wield power that he does not legally have, prior to becoming President.  Tensions between a foreign power and the U.S. are not peaceful.  Peaceful transfer of power has broader ramifications than risking domestic tranquility.  If the world becomes a more unstable place due to a private citizen's actions who will be President, but is not yet President, then that citizen is attempting to manipulate events so that the transfer of power becomes contentious and dangerous.  All in the name of self aggrandizement!

P.S - I was just about to press the 'publish' button, when by chance I saw the following 'tweet'.  I have copied it exactly as I found it.  AGAIN.....A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE LOGAN ACT AND POSSIBLY TREASONABLE!!!!!!  Also, adolescent.  How many trump's does it take to screw in a light bulb?  None, 'I'll just sit here in the dark'.

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