Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Call to Federal Employees in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. and its surrounding suburbs are what may be labeled a 'company town'.  The 'company's' business is the Federal Government.  Those that live in the D.C. metropolitan area are the gears, the nuts and bolts of the machine, the moving parts.  Just as with a car, or any other machine for that matter, all of the parts need to be in 'tune' with each other for the machine to function at peak efficiency.  The moving parts need lubrication so that friction and overheating do not damage the moving parts.  I propose that those at the higher and highest levels of government are the lubricant.  I'm sad to say that the oil that is about to be placed in the machine is of the lowest grade possible.

I believe that the residents of D.C. and the suburbs on both sides of the Potomac River are overwhelmingly displeased with the incoming administration's leader (trump), as well as those that he has nominated for high ranking positions.  I certainly can't see that steve bannon has favor with any moving part in the Federal machine in Washington.

So, what am I getting at?  Obstruction, that's what.  I am calling for all Federal employees that believe that trump and those he brings with him are dangerous and morally bankrupt, to do whatever they are legally able to do, to slow down the process of government.  I am not suggesting that critical services to our country's citizens be affected.  What I am suggesting is that, as an example, any employee of the EPA that is tasked with dismantling the agency or is asked to perform work that the employee believes is contrary to the protection of the Earth's environment, takes the time to follow EVERY law and regulation in doing their job.  Review your work word by word to make sure that every 'i' is dotted, every 't' is crossed, all punctuation and spacing in a document is correct, and when you think it is all correct, proof read the document again.  Continue to make corrections as necessary to make the document 'perfect'.  Proof read the document until you find no more mistakes.  Do not work overtime.  Do not take work home with you.  Use all of your personal time, sick time and vacation time.  Remember, you, the Federal employee is very difficult to 'fire'.  As long as a Federal employee is adhering to laws and regulations, it's practically impossible to be fired.  If you are harassed by upper management or have your job threatened, use you union, that's what it is there for.  This same behavior can be applied to any and all agency employees.  Make sure that all of you are talking to one another.  Do not allow yourselves to be isolated from one another.  In this way you can coordinate your 'activities'.

I am not suggesting insubordination and if some administrator or manager claims that this behavior is, that doesn't make it true.  If an employee follows all rules, regulations and laws, then that employee is within his rights, in fact is obligated, to do so.

Upon sharing this post, I will be sending it to the The Washington Post, as an Op-Ed & an open letter to all Federal Employees.  My fervent hope is that The Post sees this as an important and relevant letter and has the backbone to publish it.  I will also be searching for the Facebook pages for various agencies and when found, place this post on each one in its entirety.

I am sincere about this request to all Federal Employees.  I am doing everything that I can think of to minimize the damage that will surely occur to our country while trump is in office.

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