Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Top Security Clearance

This morning I was going to write about the possibility of trump having the Department of Justice bring charges against Hillary Clinton, but something else has presented itself that requires immediate attention.  At my place of work, we have a large lunch room w/a flat screen television.  When I walked into work and into the lunch room to put my food in the fridge, I was greeted by the following:

trump has requested that his children be given top security clearance.

In case you are rubbing your eyes in disbelief, I will repeat what trump has "requested", he wants his children to have top security clearance!  From my perspective, there are three issues to be addressed in reference to this "request":

   - Is there a precedence for a person not part of the U.S. government to have top security clearance?

   - It seems to me that this would be tantamount to insider trading.  trump's children will be taking control of trump's businesses.  Many of these businesses have dealings in other countries.  If trump's children have access to this most sensitive material, they will have a completely unfair & illegal advantage in the market place.

   - Upon viewing the U.S. Department of State web site I found the following criteria for security clearance:

Eligibility for access to classified information, commonly known as a security clearance, is granted only to those for whom an appropriate personnel security background investigation has been completed. It must be determined that the individual’s personal and professional history indicates loyalty to the United States, strength of character, trustworthiness, honesty, reliability, discretion, and sound judgment, as well as freedom from conflicting allegiances and potential for coercion, and a willingness and ability to abide by regulations governing the use, handling, and protection of classified information. A determination of eligibility for access to such information is a discretionary security decision based on judgments by appropriately trained adjudicative personnel. Eligibility will be granted only where facts and circumstances indicate access to classified information is clearly consistent with the national security interests of the United States. Access to classified information will be terminated when an individual no longer has need for access.

So, let's look at these requirements and the items  marked with a bold font.  "Strength of character, trustworthiness [and] honesty";  if trump's children were any of these, then they would not want top security clearance and would tell their father as much.  Next, "conflicting allegiances and potential for coercion"; trump's businesses have many loans from sources inside of Russia.........enough said.  Next, "consistent with national security interests....."; you'd have a lot of convincing to do, to prove to me that his kids have a darn thing to do with national security interests.  Lastly "need for access"; If a person is not working for the government as a contractor or a part of the government, then they have no need for access, period!!

No one is above the law, NO ONE!  This is the type of action that needs to be put out for public consumption on a large scale and protested against.  We cannot allow any of these attempts of illegal and questionable practices to go by the wayside, it will only reinforce more of the same.  Protest on line!  Protest to your elected legislators!  Protest in the streets! Protest peacefully!

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