Sunday, November 20, 2016

Elected Officials are Elected to Serve All Americans mr. pence & mr.trump

I'm truly amazed.  Yesterday, I saw a tweet from trump that read:

         " The Theater must always be a safe and special place.  The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence.  Apologize!"

I imagined the cast lining up and giving pence the "finger".

As I started to research and write this posting, I thought to myself:

          'These two guys need to understand that they are not here to be treated in some special way.  They are here to serve ALL Americans.  They need to find a way to meet the needs of ALL Americans, not just the 50% of Americans that voted for them.'

Then I started researching.  I found another tweet from trump reading:

           "The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior."

Wow........what did the cast of Hamilton do.   It must have been something awful, something completely egregious, something outside the bounds of decency.  So I researched what happened and found the following in a New York Times article:

As the play ended, the actor who played Vice President Aaron Burr, Brandon Victor Dixon, acknowledged that Mr. Pence was in the audience, thanked him for attending and added, “We hope you will hear us out.”
“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” he said. “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”
Those bastards, those SOBs, the gall ....... Not the cast of Hamilton, they get a BRAVO!

First of all pence goes and 'whines', 'cries' to trump......'oh no, the cast of Hamilton treated me very badly.  They exercised their First Amendment right and used their stage to point out that you and i are elected officials and as such are supposed to represent the concerns and interests of all Americans. They owe me an apology.'  Then trump has a mini tirade on twitter.  These two assholes have to be kidding, right?

mr.trump and mr.pence need to read the First Amendment.  The theater is protected by the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech (unless someone yells 'fire').  What was noted by Dixon at the end of the play was done so in a polite way.  Whether it was polite or not makes no difference, but is certainly to his credit.

Not to pat myself on the back, but it turns out that prior to learning what the cast of Hamilton did that was so bad, I thought exactly what they said.  Imagine that.  This is not a pat on my back, it is an understanding of our country and our Constitution, that these two BOZOS do not understand and most likely will never understand.

Again, BRAVO to the cast of Hamilton and especially to Brandon Victor Dixon for giving a polite and dignified voice to their hope that these these two BOZOS conduct themselves in the interests of ALL Americans, while in office.

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