Friday, November 25, 2016


This morning,while driving down 95 to D.C.,I heard an article on NPR's Morning Edition regarding populism.  It is said that trump is a "populist" president (elect).   The article went on to describe the the origin of American Populism.  I'm including a link to the article so you, the reader, can hear the discussion that was in the article.  This way, I will not be 'whispering down the lane', and you, the reader, will have a  clear understanding of my thoughts about the declaration that trump is NOT a populist president (elect).

Near the beginning of the article the person being interviewed (Paul Gilje of The University of Oklahoma) noted two crucial points:

     - "The Populist Party really emerged out of the Midwest and the South, mainly agrarians and people who were reacting to a world they felt they no longer controlled."

      - "....... there was a sense of - that this larger world was impinging upon them. Railroads were charging them extra money to bring their produce to the market. Banks were charging excessive interest - that they just were no longer in control."

Now, I understand that many of the people that voted for trump feel that they no longer control their world.  Truth be told, none of us 'control' our world completely.  We do have the ability to change ourselves, but to change anything or anyone outside of ourselves, from my experience, doesn't work  The well known Serenity Prayer reads:

Lord give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change,
The courage to change what I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

Excuse me, I went off on a tangent.  The question to me still remained, is trump a populist president (elect)?  The article moved forward to a recording of a Huey Long speech.  Now, of course Huey Long was a bad and completely despicable politician  in almost every way, but this speech made an impression on me.  The quote is as follows:

How many men ever went to a barbecue and would let one man take off the table what's intended for nine-tenths of the people to eat? The only way you'll ever be able to feed the balance of the people is to make that man come back and bring back some of that grub he ain't got no business with.

Well this makes simple sense to me and I do not limit it to trump, it applies to all of the "one percent".  I do make this point, though;  donald trump is a part of the one percent (although I haven't seen his tax returns, so I'm not convinced),and as such is not a populist, but rather just another person that places the average person in the position of feeling out of contrl.  This is a guy that has taken way more than his share and must be made to "come back [to the table] and bring back some of that grub he ain't got no business with."  This asshole is nobody's' populist president! 

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