Sunday, November 13, 2016


Sixty years old, and I do not recall seeing anything like the past five days after an election.  People are not only "Takin' it to the Streets" in our country, to protest the election of donald trump (name spelled w/lower case letters quite on purpose in order to denote complete lack of respect for this schmuck), but in other nations around the globe as well.  Our globe is smaller than ever and therefore more interconnected than ever.  What affects one, affects all, no matter what side of the schism (see post # 1) an individual is .on.

trump, has written that the protests are "very unfair" (waaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa) and that the protesters are "professional protesters" (who is paying all of these "professional protesters"?).  This was the MO during his life to this point and we can expect the same for the rest of his life.  At 70 years old, he is not changing.  he may even think that protests in other nations are meaningless,, but he is wrong.  Xenophobia is not a viable choice for any country on our planet, and I'm positive that we will learn this lesson the hard way.

The protests we are seeing the past six days are important, but they are a reaction, a catharsis to the results of last weeks election, a expression of anxiety based on the immoral & foul rhetoric that came out of trump's mouth prior to election day, a beginning.  The planned protests for "inauguration day" and the Million Women Mach the following day are absolutely important next steps, but they cannot be the only steps.Those of us who truly have a moral compass must continue to protest in every way possible for the next four years.  We must do everything that we absolutely can to block the dangerous, backwards thinking, racist, immoral agenda that will be put forward by trump and what is now a rubber stamp congress.

The following are thoughts on protest, moving forward:

   - FLOOD congress and the white house w/regular mail & email each and every day.  make it impossible for all of these offices to do anything except focus on mail.  Supposedly they read mail in some way.  Even if it is to count the mail, FLOOD them,  Weigh them down.  Work to divert their attention from their agenda!

   - URGE all Democrats in congress to use every and all governing rules and procedures in order to obstruct any and all business that is not up to OUR standards.  Whether or not the representatives will be re-elected to their posts depends on their actions over the next two and four years!

   - WATCH and respond to ALL actions taken by the executive and legislative branches.  When any action is not up to OUR standards use as many forms of protest as possible.  Make sure to not protest if the legislation or action will ultimately injure legislators that support the executive branch and the executive branch itself. Let them shoot themselves in the foot.

   - BE in it for the long haul.  DO NOT give up.  WE must keep constant pressure on trump and all  the chumps.  trump has great difficulties letting any slight towards him, any criticism of him, go.  he is compelled to respond.  MAKE him respond.  DIVERT his attention

Keep the pressure on and don't let up.  PROTEST!!!!!

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