Sunday, November 27, 2016

security clearance

Because I  strongly believe that security clearance for the office of  President of the U.S. is crucial, critical, to the holder of that office to function, I am breaking out a portion of yesterday's posting to repeat again here. This is how trump can be removed from office.

First let's look at the criteria for all levels of federal security clearance.  One of the criteria is that the person for which clearance is intended, cannot  be in a position where foreign governments can  possibly bribe them.  An example would be, the person being considered cannot have declared personal bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy obviously leaves a person open to being bribed, coerced to provide information in return for money.  This is simply an example of being a target for bribery.  There are other ways a person can be susceptible to bribery

Our next president is set on maintaining involvement in his business interests, which have a large international footprint. can we, the people, square that with a door being open to bribery by foreign interests.  Regardless of what trump "says", the POSSIBILITY exists.  If it were any, and I mean ANY, other person being considered for security clearance; having major business dealings with foreign countries would be an immediate disqualifier  for any level of security clearance,  The President of the United States is not above the law.  In fact as the leader of our country, she or he, must be held to the highest standards of the law and morality.  It is not possible to be the President of our country and not have security clearance.  Therefore, based on the above simple and easy to follow logic, donald trump cannot be the President of the U.S.

 Days after the election on November 8th, approval was given for at least two trump tower projects, in two foreign countries.  One which was stalled for a long time in the former Soviet Republic of  Georgia is now "back on track" per a Washington Post article on 11/26.  Per that same article,  another trump tower project, in Buenos Aires, also long delayed,  is now "moving ahead"  three days after after President Elect trump spoke with Argentina's President. 

These are just two of many involvements trump's companies have in other countries. If trump refuses to relinquish his involvement in his companies, then he is obviously open to the POSSIBILITY of coercion and bribery.  Again, this means that per the current laws involving granting security clearance, trump is not eligible. 

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