Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Shooting One's Self in the Proverbial Foot

Much ado is being made about this coming Thursday's testimony of former FBI director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee.  I am not using the first three words of the above, initial, sentence to suggest that his testimony will be about nothing (a reference to the Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing), but I am saying that for my money, there is only one thing i am looking forward to.

Certainly, Comey has a great deal of information about Russian attempts to meddle in our elections, and this is important information.  But, here's the elephant in the room; did trump ask then Director Comey to stop, back off, curtail (much too big a word for trump to use), end, close the file on, halt, you get the picture, the investigation of Michael Flynn's relationship with Russia?  If trump did so then the need to go a step further in investigating trump will no longer exist.  Yes, we still need to investigate if and how the Russian government interfered in our electoral process, but any investigations of trump will be in effect complete with reference to determining his continued position of lead administrator of our country.

If Comey testifies that trump, did indeed ask him to halt the aforementioned investigation, then trump has shot himself in the foot.  It would not matter if trump had colluded with the Russians.  It would not matter if trump has financial obligations to Russian government owned banks.  It would not matter that trump has ignored the nepotism law.  The question of whether trump committed treason by revealing classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador  becomes a moot point.  The fact that trump has a lease on the Old Post Office Building in D.C., which he has made into a hotel, and is in direct conflict with the lease terms, because he has not divested himself of his business interests, no longer matters.  Nothing else anyone can think of matters.  Because, if trump said what has been reported, to Comey, then he is guilty of obstruction of justice.  Case closed!

This will obviously be a classic case of he said versus he said.  The question then becomes, who is to be believed.  We can look at trump's behavior just prior to asking Comey to stop the investigation into Flynn.  Why would trump clear the room, leaving only himself and Comey.

Ohhhhhhh, I made a boo boo.  I should have had witnesses.

Cut me a break.  This was obviously a deliberate ploy to not have witnesses, setting up a he said versus he said scenario.  Oh, how clever he is.

Who had a motive for what they did on that day in February?  trump had obvious motive.  Even if we are to believe that his motive was to end the investigation because it was a distraction to doing our business (which is a load of horse manure), but even if we buy that load of crap, it is a motive.  Did Comey have any kind of motive for going out to his car and immediately writing the memo detailing what trump had just said to him.  I'm sitting here thinking, and I can't think of one, not one reason that Comey would have for writing a memo that was not true.  What motive could he possibly have had.  It couldn't have been in response to anticipating being fired.  That happened over three months later, which in trump time is almost like three years.  So based on motive, it becomes obvious who to believe.

I would also note that there is a long history of the writings of an FBI agent holding great weight in any investigation or judicial proceeding.  Another reason to give more weight to what former Director Comey has to say versus what d. j[ackass] trump has to say.

Now we come to the final point in this post.  If, Comey testifies that trump asked him to end the investigation of Flynn, and if he presents the memo he wrote detailing trump's 'request', and if we all agree that such behavior constitutes obstruction of justice, then, does the Republican dominated House of Representatives have the balls to impeach trump and will the Republican Majority in the Senate have the same anatomical structures to remove him from office?

At this point, it really doesn't matter, because whether they do, or do not, I believe all the way down to the marrow of my bones, that both houses of Congress will change from a Republican majority to a Democratic majority as a consequence of the 2018 mid-term election.  So if the Republicans currently in both Houses of Congress do not have the nuts to do the right  thing, the Democrats will do the job when they gain the majority in both Houses.

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