Thursday, June 1, 2017

Rejecting The Paris Climate Agreement Is Just Brilliant (?)

d. j[ackass] trump is all about money and jobs right?  In advance of trump's expected announcement of rescinding our country's commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, today, i started digging around and thinking.  The first thing I need to let you know is that the best reason to walk away from the rest of the world is because President Obama helped to make the Paris Climate Agreement happen.  I'm not kidding that is the best reason (as far as trump is concerned).  Don't be fooled by his crap about jobs.  This has nothing to do with jobs.  If it did he would and could clearly see that the Paris agreement is the path to the future, in the same way that fossil fuels were over a century ago or transistors for electronics in the 1960s.  The clean energy sector is already ramping up quickly.

I am concerned for the well being of all persons.  If trump is truly concerned about the shrinking coal market and the jobs that are provided by coal, then I'm ok with our country supporting the aging coal mining labor force as a way to thank them for their hard work in fueling our country's engine in the past.  These miners have been worked hard, let's give them a decent retirement.  But, don't be so silly as to think that he's helping our country with meaningful and relevant employment in the future by renouncing the climate agreement.

Our country needs to make adjustments in education so that we produce a labor force capable of building clean energy sources.  It will not be a workforce based on brawn, it needs to be based on brains.  Even the manual labor in this industry will need to have a good education.  If we walk backwards, on the path that we have traveled, the rest of the world will build clean energy, drive down the costs of building it, and will own the future.  Our country, on the other hand, will be left in the dust of our glorious past.

While researching this post, I ran into what I thought was a really good blog to watch, going forward.  Now here's a radical group with a nefarious agenda. An agenda hell bent on causing suffering for everyone.

Here are some highlights from the post I read:

Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead

In January, China announced a plan to invest $360 billion in renewable energy through 2020, with a goal of creating 13 million jobs.

Steep cost declines in the cost of renewable energy continued

Solar costs hit record lows

China leads the charge on renewable energy

The post reported that China's President Xi said the following at The World Economic Forum in Devos earlier this year;  I believe he was speaking to d. j[ackass]:

“We should honor promises and abide by rules. One should not select or bend rules as he sees fit. The Paris Agreement is a hard-won achievement which is in keeping with the underlying trend of global development. All signatories should stick to it instead of walking away from it as this is a responsibility we must assume for future generations.”

Just ahead of trump's first rough draft for a budget was released in March, U.S. News pointed out on March 15th the following:

Whatever else the Republican Party and the [t]rump White House thinks about the problem of Earth's changing climate system, the clean energy sector is now creating new jobs faster than almost any other sector in the American economy. That's an inescapable fact – one that is supported by GOP and Democratic voters alike.

Follow the "supported by" link, above.  Even a majority of trump's base knows better.

Lastly, I wish to note that withdrawing from the climate agreement puts us in great company among our  world  neighbors.  The only other countries on the planet that are not participants of the agreement are ......... wait for it .......... Nicaragua and Syria.  Good going trumpy boy.

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