Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bull or Bravo

Before I start today's post, I want to introduce you to a new facet of my activism.  I have started a podcast on my  You Tube channel.  I have titled it Off the Cuff. It is a semi-impromptu companion for this blog.  I will post on Tuedays.  Podcast # 1 is You Can't do That.  Enjoy

Now, for today's blog post.

The noise, just two days before James Comey is set to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is getting pretty loud.  The word out on the street is that trump is planning to give a speech of some sort while Comey is testifying and that he will also be twitting live as Comey testifies

That's a lie.



i'm the greatest (no ...... that was Mohammad Ali).

But then I heard the following, trump and sessions are not getting along.  I started to look into it and the noise exploded right in front of my eyes.  CNN, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Politico; all reporting that sessions offered to resign just prior to trump's overseas foray.  My question (which is unanswerable at this time) is, is this just noise designed to distract or is it true.

Here are some of the blurbs from the various news outlets:

- trump and sessions have had a "series of heated exchanges in the last several week ......a source close to [s]essions told CNN Tuesday."  Then, "a senior administration official said that at one point, [s]essions expressed he would be willing to resign."

- "[s]essions recently suggested that he could resign from his post, multiple media reports said on Tuesday."   When asked if trump still had confidence in sessions, puppet-spicer replied,  "I have not had that discussion with him.  If I haven't had a discussion with him about a subject, I tend not to speak about it."

Charles Krauthammer, who is a contributor to FOX News, said on air, “This is really bad.  If you can’t absorb this one issue on which he disagrees and you have to get rid of him, no one is safe [in the White House].”

- The wall Street Journal reported that "sessions offered to resign from his post, [but] the offer wasn't a formal one"

- According to ABC News "sources" have characterized the current relationship between trump and sessions "has become so tense that [s]essions at one point recently even suggested he could resign."

- A person who regularly communicates with sessions told Politico that "[t]rump ultimately refused [s]essions’ offer"  Politico also reports that the two Sarahs (Huckabee-Sanders of the White House and Isgur of the Justice Department) have declined to comment on this issue.

Whewwwwww!!  That's a lot of noise!  Now is this by design, in an effort to move attention off of the Comey testimony.  I believe it is a lame possibility.  I say lame, because if that is the purpose of what may be an intentional leak of mis-information, to keep attention off of the hearings on Thursday, then trumpy boy is dumber than I thought for trying to feed Americans this level of bull.

Ohhhhhhh, look how clever I am ....... this'll keep 'em from listening to that showboat Comey.  

If it is true, then that's their problem, and I could care less, unless sessions goes away.  Then I'll dance a  jig and scream bravo.
With positive expectations, I look forward to what James Comey will have to say on Thursday.  I'll be focused on his testimony like a laser beam.

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