Sunday, June 11, 2017

Got Tapes?

I found this really great website this morning.  It's not great because I believe it is a reliable source of information, but its greatness comes from its name:

What The Fuck Just Happened Today?

Today's essential newsletter. Logging the daily shock and awe in national politics. Read in moderation. 

Beyond the chuckle that I got from the name of the site, it did have value for me.  The site gave a listing, for each day of trump's administration, of headlines and the source of those headlines.  This helped me get in touch with what I wanted to write about, today.

What's that Bill?
Recording systems.
What kind of recording systems, Bill?
Recording systems that are hidden from those being recorded.
Where would such a recording system exist Bill?
Well, many places.
Then what got you thinking about recording systems Bill?
trump's tweet, shortly after firing James Comey that read:

Donald J. Trump

James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
8:26 AM - 12 May 2017

So ......... a typical trump move to muddy the waters.  Are there tapes or is the existence of tapes horse shit. Well ladies and gentlemen, there is only one way to know. 

Hold it Bill, don't tell us, I know, I know.
Okay, what's your answer?
Let's ask trump if there are tapes.
Nice try, but I don't think so.
How about we  subpoena the recordings.  How about that Bill?
Naaaaaah, I don't think that'll work either.  

I believe trump is a liar (and I thought so before Comey said it), so why would he admit they exist.   he continually behaves as though he is above the law, so why would he admit something without material evidence.  I think the only way we get to the truth of whether there are recordings or not is to get a search warrant and without notice, search the oval office for microphones and trace them back to the device they are attached to.

Wow Bill, that seems awfully drastic.

Look, I'm not suggesting that we take this drastic step immediately.  In order to make sure that trump and those that support him understand that everything is being done in an above board way, we need to climb this ladder of actions step by step, but ............ we must be ready to go absolutely as far as is needed to determine if there are recordings.  One problem with this process could be that if we subpoena the recordings, it may tip our hand and trump has the microphones removed before they can be found.

Yes, we need to have sessions testify.  Yes we need to have McCabe testify (he was present during the March 30th phone call).  Yes we need to have the acting Deputy Attorney General on March 30th, Dana Boente, testify.  There are probably a lot more paths that lead to persons who may have information pertinent to trump attempting to obstruct justice, and we need to hear from each one of them in order to piece together the 'story'.  

On Friday, the day after James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intel Committee, d. j[ackass] said that "yesterday showed no collusion, no obstruction, we are doing really well.....".  I don't know about collusion, but trumpy boy was right when he said "no obstruction".  The reason he was right is because James Comey did not act on trump's veiled directive.  He continued the FBI's investigation of Michael Flynn and Flynn's possible collusion with Russian officials.  Therefore justice was not obstructed, but trump certainly attempted to obstruct justice.  And the best way to break this he said versus he said stalemate is to hear what happened on February 14th after trump cleared the Oval Office to speak with Comey alone.  Therefore, we must determine if there is a recording and if so, listen to it. 

And lastly, I want to note that even if there are recordings and even if we get to hear them and even if they corroborate What Comey reported in his memo, and even if trump's tone of voice clearly indicates that his intent was to direct Comey in some sly way because he knew he was being taped, even if we have all of these items in place, impeachment is a political act not one of criminal justice.  It is obvious that at least some Republicans are going to use the word "hope" to attempt to make a case that this was not a directive, but rather a political neophyte making a large faux pas.   Look here folks, that's more horse dung than I've ever shoveled in my life time, and when I was young, I groomed horses and mucked a lot of stalls.  If trump is the consummate business person that he claims to be, then he knew precisely, precisely what he was doing.  I mean after all, this is the author of The Art of the Deal.  he's the deal maker.  he's the best, the greatest, he's biggley the best.  Cut me a frikkin' break.  I think trump is dumb in a lot of ways, but when it comes to being a lying S.O.B., i think he knows exactly what he's doing.

Got tapes?

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